03 January 2021, Sunday Ankara,Turkey

The Book Called “Story Series 3: I Am Also Reading -The Magical Rainbow” Declared to be an Obscene Publication

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Committee of Protection of Minors from Obscene Publication decided that some of the expressions and descriptions in the book called ‘‘Story Series 3: I Am Also Reading – The Magical Rainbow’’ has an obscene effect on spirituality and development of minors. 

The decision of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services Committee of Protection of Minors from Obscene Publication was published in the Official Gazette.

Committee examined the book

As a result of the examination carried out by the Committee on the concerned book titled “Story Series 3: I Am Also Reading - The Magical Rainbow” it was seen that the book represents a story in which the main character, a boy named Yılmaz gets impressed by a story which tells when little boys and girls pass under a rainbow, the girls become boys and the boys become girls. Then Yılmaz dreams that he and one of his friends named Dilek pass a rainbow, having changed their sexes, and they pass it once more and regain their former sexes.   

The Committee concluded that some of the expressions included in the book, which encourage gender reassignment might impel some of minor readers of the book to question their gender identities; in addition the expressions in the book can harm mental and emotional health and balanced development of children; thus it can create negative effect on children’s personal developments and spiritualities.”

Accordingly, it was decided that some of the expressions and descriptions in the book “Story Seris 3- I Am Also Reading-The Magical Rainbow” may have obscene effects on spirituality and development of minors.

As per the decision, the book will sold only to persons over the age of 18, in an invisible envelope or bag without display or advertisement and with the expression of “Harmful for Minors” on it.

4.957 Judicial Expert Reports Prepared

12,790 publications and 26 books such as newspapers and magazines have been evaluated by the Board so far and 19 books were decided to be harmful to minors.

Besides, the Committee prepared 4.957 judicial reports on the offense of obscenity and sent them to judicial authorities.

MİM in Place

Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk made a statement that they have been working to provide healthy development of children by protecting them from all kinds of neglect and abuse and she said “We created the Fight Against With Obscene Contents Platform (MİM) so that our citizens can report directly to our Ministry about the publications and applications that they consider harmful for their children.

Citizens will report the publications they consider harmful for their children through the options of ‘e-mail’ (https://www.ailevecalisma.gov.tr/chgm) or through ‘WhatsApp’ (+90 530 918 11 17) or ‘BİP’ that is available at the ministry’s website.