28 July 2022, Thursday Ankara,Türkiye

Children under State Protection are on the Way to Become Scientists

Children under care and protection of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, who are interested in science and technology, attend the camps organized within the scope of Science Türkiye Education Program

Education programs have been planned in science camps for children under care and protection of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, who are interested in science and technology.

There are activities to increase the academic, sportive, artistic and cultural achievements of children in institutions affiliated to the Ministry. In this context, there is an activity initiated to include children under care and protection in the 2022 summer term science camps of the Science Türkiye Education Program carried out by the Türkiye Teknoloji Takımı Vakfı in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

One-week programs have been planned in August for a total of 300 primary and secondary school students who are interested in science and technology, among children aged 6-14 under care and protection.

Children are given basic trainings in workshops in the fields of Mathematics, Design, Technology, Natural Sciences and Astronomy-Aviation at Bilim Gaziantep, Bilim Gaziosmanpaşa, Bilim Beyoğlu and Bilim Fatih camps.