24 January 2021, Sunday Ankara,Turkey

Social Assignment Ceremony Will Be Held On Tuesday, Honoured by President Erdoğan

Under the coordination of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, assignment ceremony of young citizens benefiting from legal protection, persons with disabilities, relatives of martyrs and veterans will be held on Tuesday (26.01.2021) and graced with the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

While the Ministry furthers its endeavours to boost the employment of persons with disabilities in particular and martyrs’ relatives, veterans along with young citizens benefiting from legal protection; new year’s first assignment will be realized in a ceremony to be held in Presidential Complex. 

In the ceremony of social assignment announced to public in the past few days by the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, assignment lots of 3.063 persons in total, of whom 2.140 are persons with disabilities, 1.093 are young citizens benefiting from legal protection and 370 are martyrs’ relatives, veterans and veterans’ relatives, will be drawn.