16 January 2021, Saturday Ankara,Turkey

Our Ministry Stands by Disabled Children with Unimpeded Children’s Meeting Project

Within the scope of Unimpeded Children’s Meeting Project put into effect by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Children’s Rights Representatives in 81 provinces contributed to the socialization of children with disabilities by convening with 2.550 disabled children and their families.

Provincial Children Committees on Children’s Rights, which were established to raise consciousness and awareness in society on children’s rights, continue to make a difference in the lives of children with disabilities by performing numerous activities with its 29.260 members, of whom 585 are disabled children.

Visits Were Paid to 2.550 Disabled Children and Their Families

Children who are members of Provincial Children Committees on Children’s Rights in 81 provinces visited 2.550 disabled children and their families last year within the scope of Unimpeded Children’s Meeting Project launched by the Ministry under the Action Plan of 2020. Requests and demands of disabled children were received in presence of Provincial Adult Representative of Children’s Rights during the visits for which all the necessary pandemic measures were taken. Furthermore, the families were provided with guidance and psychological support.

During the visits, it was observed that the children were delighted to converse with their elders and to come together with their peers. In relation to the fact that the objective of this project is to contribute to the socialization of children who are in constant quarantine during the pandemic, it was learned that children requested the continuity of these visits within this scope.

Children’s Rights Training Is Delivered, Music Recitals Are Organized

Besides home visits, members of Provincial Children’s Rights Committees meet the children in Barrier-Free Living centres. During these visits, children are given presents in line with their fields of interest, they are provided with trainings on creative drama at their level of comprehension and on children’s rights, music recitals and conversations are held.

Unimpeded Children Project is planned to be carried out this year as well.

 What Are the Activities of Children’s Committees?

 Children’s Rights Committees, which were established within the body of Directorate General for Child Services and which exert crucial efforts in the field of children’s rights, conduct various activities in order to raise public awareness and perform a key role for children with disabilities to voice their views in matters likely to affect themselves.

Thanks to the activities conducted by children’s committees, disabled children are involved in various organs such as assemblies, committees and forums where decisions concerning them are rendered and they are able to voice their views in these platforms.