26 December 2020, Saturday Ankara,Turkey

Minister SELÇUK: "We will establish an Evaluation and Rating System for Games and Toys."

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk stated that they will establish an evaluation and rating system to prevent the toys and digital content causing social reactions from adversely affecting children's health and safety.

Minister Selçuk stated that they attach importance to proper introduction of children to information technologies and to protect children against digital risks. Reminding that they have established a Notification Platform for Countering Obscene Content, so that families can transmit publications and applications that they consider harmful to children directly to the Ministry, Selçuk expressed: “We are putting yet another new project into practice that will protect our children from harmful content. We will establish an evaluation and rating system in accordance with our cultural structure concerning games and toys produced for children."

Physical Characteristics of Toys and Their Suitability for Psychosocial Development Will Be Evaluated

Providing information about the content and operation of the system as well, Minister Selçuk explained: “We thought we needed to establish certain standards on toys and games that cause social reactions and may have negative impacts on the psychosocial development of children. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Commerce, we are planning to convene with relevant institutions such as the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Education to establish evaluation criteria in terms of the physical characteristics of toys as well as their suitability for the psychosocial development of children. "

We Aim to Raise Awareness in Parents

Selçuk noted that the endeavors to be made in cooperation with the relevant institutions will raise awareness in children and parents regarding games and toys. Minister Selçuk stated: "With the implementation of this system, we aim to raise awareness as to which toys parents should prefer for their children and which toys are inappropriate for children's development."