10 January 2021, Sunday Ankara,Turkey

Minister Selçuk: “We Have Increased the Sums of Social Aids Paid to Citizens in Need”

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk said that they increased the sums of supports provided in many headings, from Social and Economic Support Service (SES) to disability and elderly aids, home care services payments to sheltered workplaces.

Stating that the sums paid for social support programs initiated by the ministry for citizens in need was increased by 2021, Selçuk said; “In these days when we are struggling against coronavirus, we have increased the sums paid to those in need. As a requirement of the duty assigned to our Ministry, we safeguard the disadvantaged parts of the society against social exclusion and eliminate their grievances with our rights-based service notion. Our increasing budget resources play a substantial role in the extension of our services and assistance to all segments of society.

1.161 Turkish Liras for Each Child in Social and Economic Support  (SES) Payments

Minister Selçuk said, “We increased the sum of SES by 2021. The amount of payment for each child reached 1,161 Turkish Liras. Within this scope, we paid 149 million Turkish Liras for 131 thousand children benefiting from SES service in January. With SES, we support our children with their families, preserving unity of family and observing the best interests of our children."

Support for Sheltered Workplaces Rose to 914 Turkish Liras 

Selçuk noted that with the "Protected Workplace" model, which was put into effect to support the employment of mentally and psychologically disabled citizens in private sector, the monthly amount paid to workplaces for each person with disabilities rose to 914 Turkish Liras in 2021.

Home Care Pensions Rose to 1.657 Turkish Liras

Stating that Home Care Assistance Service is rendered to provide home care for persons with disabilities, Selçuk said "In 2020, we paid a total of 9,4 billion Turkish Liras to our 536 thousand citizens." Minister Selçuk stated that the first semiannual payment of aid to be made per person in 2021 within the scope of Home Care Assistance is 1.657 Turkish Liras.

Increase in Elderly and Disabled Pensions

Selçuk stated that they increased the sums of elderly pension, disabled pension, disabled relative's pension and chronic disease benefit in 2021. Minister Selçuk said “For the first six months of 2021, we have increased the amount of aid to be paid per person in elderly pensions to 763 TL, disabled citizens at a rate of 40% to 69% to 609 TL, disabled citizens at a rate of 70 percent and above to 914 TL, relatives of disabled citizens to 609 TL and the amount of cash benefits paid to tuberculosis and SSPE (Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis) patients in need to 1.657 Turkish Liras.” Selçuk emphasized that financial aids for citizens with silicosis were also increased.