11 November 2020, Wednesday Ankara,Turkey

Minister SELÇUK: "Online Trainings of Child Support, Development and Education Program Have Been Completed"

Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, announced that the online sessions of the Child Support, Development and Education Program completed, which were implemented within the scope of the activities to ensure the healthy development of children under state protection in terms of cognitive, emotional and psycho-social aspects.

Minister SELÇUK shared information on the program conducted within the scope of the Second 100-Day Action Plan declared by President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN. Stating that 200 members of profession and experts working in the central organization of the Ministry, Children's Houses and Coordination Centers for Children's Houses attended the trainings, Minister SELÇUK explained: “In line with the commitments of the Convention  on the Rights of the Child, minimum standards have been established in all of our child care institutions in order to ensure the unity of practices in personal care of children, professional practices, personnel status and management structure. The education program structured in accordance with these standards is also the first program covering all children of all age groups, who are under state protection."

We aim to raise strong generations who are aware of their national and moral values

Stating that through the Education Program, their goal is to raise children as strong and confident generations who are aware of their national and moral values and develop their physical, mental, emotional and social skills with the knowledge, skills and experiences they will need to maintain their lives, Minister SELÇUK expressed: "We also aim to increase the capacity of our personnel serving our children and to strengthen the bond between children and employees through the implementation guides and activities designed to have quality time within the program."

Stating that the Child Support, Development and Education Program consists of two main components, SELÇUK explained: "There are two main components:  ‘Development of Life Skills and Preparing for Life’ and ‘Psychosocial Support Component for Trainer Trainings”.  The contents of this training program include educational modules, assessment, intervention tools and application guides in accordance with the developmental characteristics of our children."

Minister SELÇUK stated that the program has been prepared to increase the capacity of caregivers and professionals working with children, and emphasized that the program is planned to bring the psychosocial support interventions to a standard for the healthy development of children under care in public institutions.

Approximately 8,700 people will benefit

Child Support, Development and Education Program covers all staff and children between the ages of 0-18 in the 1192 children's homes and 111 children's homes affiliated to the Ministry. By the end of 2020, approximately 1,700 professionals and approximately 7,000 care staff working in the children's homes coordination centers and children's homes will have benefited from the program.

Professional staff working in childcare institutions will be provided with trainings.

Following the training of trainers, practitioner training will be provided to all professionals working in child care institutions. An individual risk and assessment form will be prepared to determine the psychosocial support needs of children, and an impact analysis will be made to measure the efficiency of the program.

The trainings are given by expert academicians.

The trainings of the program are provided by expert academicians. Professional staff participating in the training will take part in the training of practitioners planned for other professionals working in 81 provinces in the future. Three more groups of trainers will be trained with the sessions planned to be held in November.