12 November 2020, Thursday Ankara, Turkey

Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Attended the Online Conversation on Child Friendly Books

Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, expressed, "It is time for us to create a new action plan both for our children and for their books, and to set a roadmap on this issue with the participation of relevant parties”.

Minister SELÇUK participated in the Online Interview on Child Friendly Books organized by the Directorate General of Child Services with the theme of "Child and Youth Publishing".

Stating that as the Ministry, they have been carrying out activities to bring children and young people together with books and to raise awareness, SELÇUK stated her wishes that the World Children's Books Week would conduce to meeting books, enlightenment and awakening for children. 

Stating that books are people's best friends throughout the journey of life, Minister SELÇUK said, "When we lose touch with books, we lose touch with life and the future. Learning processes include audio and visual communication, experience, observation and reflection. Particularly in today's world, as a result of progress in information technologies and communication tools, access to information has become easier and more widespread than ever before. As access to information becomes easier, we recognize that young people experience difficulty identifying sources of propaganda and manipulation, filtering useful information sources, and accessing accurate information. This has made the need of guidance for children even clearer. "

Minister SELÇUK pointed out that families, teachers, writers and institutions have separate duties and responsibilities in order to bring children together with valuable books at an early age and stated: "As the Ministry, we have initiated Child Friendly Conversations hosted by our Directorate General of Child Services in order to ensure that our children and youth meet with books that embody reflection, thought, resurrection and renewal, and at the same time to protect them from obscene publications. It is time for us to create a new action plan both for our children and for their books, and to set a roadmap on this issue with the participation of relevant parties".

"We aim at increasing both the quality and the quantity of our publications"

Drawing attention to the fact that the products and works emerging in children's literature are the most effective tools in the development of children's personalities and the completion of their mental development, Minister SELÇUK expressed, "Therefore, we attach importance to the work of our valuable writers, academicians, editors and publishers in the field of children's literature. We need the support of the parties involved in order for children to have a special competence, knowledge and experience in terms of mental, psychological and sociological aspects at all stages from 0-2 age group to 6, 12 and 18 age group. "We aim to increase both the quality and quantity of our related publications."

Minister SELÇUK stated that within the scope of supporting child-friendly works and fighting against harmful content, the Ministry published a list of 427 books with appropriate contents on the website and that they have developed an incentive mechanism with the aim of supporting the physical, mental and moral development of children and young people in cooperation with RTUK. (Radio and Television Supreme Council)