09 January 2021, Saturday Ankara,Turkey

"Digital Guide" for Parents from Our Ministry

Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk said that they prepared a “Digital Guide” in order to establish a healthy communication between children and their parents in the digital world.

Stating that with the widespread use of computers, smartphones and internet, the time children spend on the internet has increased, Minister Selçuk said that they are working for acquaintance of parents with the digital world, their awareness of possible risks and to raise their awareness of conscious use of the internet and social media.

Noting that they have effectuated the "Digital Guide", so that parents can take precautions for children against the risks on the internet in cyberspace, Selçuk said, “The Guide includes titles such as Internet and New Media Concepts, New Media Tools, Being a Parent in the Digital Age, Children and Digital Media, Purposes of Children and Youth for Using the Internet, Opportunities and Risks of Information Technologies for Children, Matters To Be Considered By Families To Protect Children From The Risks Of Information Technologies , Rating Systems Used for Digital Games, Frequently Used Terms in Social Media, and Suggested Web and Notification Addresses.’’

"Conscious Internet Use" Training for Parents and Staff

Besides, Minister Selçuk noted that they are preparing a training program on Information Technologies and Conscious Use of the Internet.

Selçuk remarked, “We are providing the trainings for our private nursery and day care center employees and our families who receive services from these organizations, aimed at introducing children aged between 0-6 to information technologies properly and protecting children from digital risks. In 2020, we provided training for 12,800 people, 6,400 parents and 6,400 staff, in 81 provinces. We are planning to widen the scope of trainings to include all our staff and parents."