18 November 2020, Wednesday Ankara,Turkey

21st National Children’s Forum has started

21st National Children’s Forum co-organized by Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and UNICEF with the theme of “Healthy Children, Healthy Future” has started today.

Due to the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, the Forum is organized online with the participation of representatives of provincial committees on the rights of children. Expressing that they would like to hold the forum again with participants from 81 provinces and supportive stakeholders with enthusiasm as in previous years, Deputy General Director of Child Services, Sebiha Başaran, stated that they will strive to keep the enthusiasm of the event as best as they can, even at online settings.

Ms. Basaran stated that she wished that the forum would be beneficial for the world of the future with the light it will set and she said: “Ensuring the continuity of a society on solid foundations is directly related to development, education, health and protection of the children who are the builders of that society. Today we re-imagine a future where every child is prosperous and healthy. Respect for children's rights is one of the basic development values of a society. In addition, the approach of a society to children reflects that society's perspective for and expectations from the future. While we work to ensure that our children, the most valuable assets of our nation, grow up and survive in the social and economic environments they deserve, we take into account the studies carried out and the suggestions offered by our children as guiding principles.

Celile Özlem Tunçak, the Ombudsman for Women and Children, emphasized that the Ombudsman Institution is the only institution that receives direct applications from children in Turkey. Explaining that they tackle each application submitted to the Ombudsman within the framework of the rights specified by Convention on the Rights of the Child, Ms. Tunçak said that they provide feedback to all applications, given the importance of the children’s right to participate in all matters affecting them. Ms. Tunçak also stated that they worked on the solution of the submitted issues by contacting all relevant individuals and institutions.

Ms. Tunçak said: “As a human rights institution, we carry out various activities in order to establish the culture of claiming rights. When it comes to children's rights, we work on how our children should acquire the culture of seeking rights and be aware of their rights”.

UNICEF Representative Mr. Jairus Ligoo said that Turkey is a special country because of the importance it attaches to children, with three special days attributed to children.

Explaining that during the epidemic period, children and the youth once again demonstrated that they are strong and tolerant, Ligoo said: “Children and the youth express that they do not want to return to the normal of the past. Because they are aware of the fact that what we call the 'old normal' was not actually a system that could meet all their needs. Children have unique abilities to create a more equitable, fairer and a more sustainable future”.

The final declaration of the forum is expected to be announced on Friday.