01 July 2020, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

World Health Organization appreciates Work in Nursing Homes during Pandemia

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and World Health Organization (WHO) officials "met at the COVID-19 Process Evaluation Meeting in Long-Term Care Institutions in Turkey.

COVID-19 Measures were evaluated in care facilities during the meeting with WHO.

Officials of the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services and the Ministry of Health attended the meeting, which took place by video conference method. In the meeting, which lasted about 3 hours, Expert Dr. Orhan KOÇ, General Manager of Disability and Elderly Services, gave a detailed presentation about the services given to the elderly during the COVID-19 process.

 "We've Reinforced Our Supply Chain"

KOÇ said that there are 7.5 million elderly people in Turkey and 27,500 are in the care of the institution. Covid-19 case before it is seen in Turkey, reminding that they took precautions KOÇ, "We stopped visits to nursing homes and nursing homes, we restricted the exits of our elders. In addition to paying attention to ambient cleaning, we have reinforced our supply chain with materials such as disinfectant. When our elders went for daily treatment, we maximized isolation. It's almost like we've quarantined our organizations," he said.

 Number of Available Personnel Increased by 10 Percent

Underlining that it also prohibits mass activities, KOÇ said, "With the instructions of Our Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, we have tightened our measures in the metropolises. We have created insulation rooms, floors and 82 Isolation Organizations in Turkey that we will need in organizations. We have increased our capacity by reinforcing 10 percent of existing personnel." KOÇ, as a result of the measures among those who died in long-term care centers, the proportion of the elderly remained 4 percent, he noted.

 "We switched to a Model where staff stayed in the institution for 14 days"

Disability and Elderly Services General Manager KOÇ, who is in contact with those from abroad, the follow-up of the staff and stressed that they attach importance to ensuring isolation. On March 26, he also said that staff moved on to a model where they stayed in the organization for 14 days.

 "Everyone Worked With Dedication"

KOÇ stressed that employees in organizations are treated sensitively about overtime and are careful to create an 8-hour shift. KOÇ, when there is additional overtime by trying to provide fairness by charging or allowing, "In the COVID-19 period, we can say that the morale and motivation of our employees are better than normal. Because they worked in the spirit of national solidarity. There was no withdrawal from the work, including those working in private institutions. Everyone worked with dedication," he said.

 "6 percent received treatment in intensive care"

General Manager Orhan KOÇ, those discharged from the hospital were not directly admitted to the organization, said that the isolated organizations created provided independent treatment. Underlining that all cases are being looked after in the hospital, KOÇ said that only 6 percent of positive cases are treated in intensive care.

"We Have Prepared Videos with Music"

Covid-19 process, especially for the elderly, drawing attention to the importance of digital literacy KOÇ, said they are preparing a new program. Explaining the work done for disabled people in detail, KOÇ said:

"It is important to provide access to information for the people with disability and their families. This year, Our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, declared the 'Year of Accessibility'. So, by the instruction of our Minister, we prepared and shared our own content according to accessibility standards. We have created working groups where we bring them together academic experts to educate individuals with disabilities and their families. We've been a follower of special cases, particularly autism spectrum disorder. Wearing masks for our disabled people is difficult to wash for 20 seconds, but we have prepared music videos and our disabled people have been featured in those videos. That's how we aimed to raise awareness."

WHO Officials Praise Turkey

WHO officials also underlined that it is important that Turkey's success be documented in scientific terms and presented to the whole world. Stressing that Turkey has taken its measures early and this is an important factor in the process of fighting COVID-19, the authorities said, "The personal protective equipment problem seen in European countries in particular did not occur in Turkey. They not only met their needs in terms of personal protective equipment, but also provided assistance to other countries."

 Data to Be Reported

The first meeting with who's Office in Turkey was held on April 30th. At the meeting titled "Pandemia Process in nursing homes", it was decided to report the measures taken in our country as an exemplary country application. A third meeting will take place in the coming days. Data from meetings will be reported.