04 October 2021, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Within the Context of Home Care Support 132 Thousand Elders Aged Over 60 Have Been Supported

Ministry of Family and Social Services provided financial support for 132 thousand elders aged over 60 between January-September this year within the context of “Home Care Support” which have been actualized so that elders could receive care service beside their families.
Elderly care services planned family oriented by the Ministry have been developed by being updated according to the changing demographic structure.
Services for the elders are planned to be provided at the place where the persons reside instead of an institution. In this context, “Integrated Care Services Model” which supports care beside family has been put into practice. Via this model practices such as institutional care, support at home, and day care according to the need of elders have been implemented.
Between January-September of this year 132 thousand elders aged over 60 have been supported by taking their disability status into consideration within the context of “Home Care Support” which is provided to ensure elders to receive care service beside their families.
530 thousand citizens undertaking the responsibility of their relatives with disabilities who need care have been provided with financial support within the context of home care services which was 1797 TL 97 kurus for July-December period of 2021. 132 thousand of 530 thousand persons who have been supported are the ones aged 60 and over.
“Day Care and Wellness Centres for Elders Model” has been actualized
Day Care and Wellness Centres for Elders Model has been actualized in order to ease the lives of healthy elders who live alone or with their families and relatives, increase the quality of their lives. At the centres, where supportive services for daily life activities are provided, it is aimed to enrich social relations and increase the quality of lives with the activities according to the interests of elders.
It is aimed to generalize this model through which it is intended to encourage elders to stay with their families, actively participate in social life and be healthier psychosocially. This model has been actualized in 31 centres throughout Turkey by now.
“Through YADES Projects 47 thousand 822 houses have been supported”
On the other hand, Elderly Support Programme (YADES) which has been started in 2016 and still continue, is the first support programme with biggest budget transferred from general budget, carried out in the field of elderliness.
With YADES Projects, which have been started in 2016 in order to support home care and day care services of local administrations so that elders could live in their homes and with their families, 33 million financial support in total has been provided in 5 years including 2020 projects. Elders in 47 thousand 822 houses in 16 provinces with 40 different projects have been reached out and provided with psycho-social support and cultural activities.

Examples of activities carried out within the context of YADES
Elders are provided services by municipalities within the context of YADES.
Elders who need care have been monitored with an electronic system installed in their homes with the “Foster Child” project carried out within the context of YADES in Kahramanmaraş. With this project the houses of elders have been cleaned and every kind of their need of personal care have been met.
Through smart devices drug utilization, saccharimetry, blood pressure, and heartbeat of elders have been checked and sent to online centre. In the cases where the elders fall or have an accident support teams have been transferred to the house of elders by means of devices signalling.
In Gaziantep, with “Patients with Alzheimer’s and Patient Relatives Meeting Centres (Moral House)” patients have been provided day care service.