27 January 2021, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

We held our Social Appointment Ceremony with the Presence of President Erdogan

The "Social Appointment Ceremony" was held at the Presidential Complex with the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK.

"We are together to appoint 193 of our young people who have grown up in state protection, 2,140 of our disabled people, and 370 of our relatives of martyrs, veterans and veterans," President Erdogan said at the ceremony of public appointments of young people, disabled people, veterans and relatives of veterans who have benefited from state protection held at the Presidential Complex. Erdogan wished the appointment of 3,603 people to various public institutions to be auspicious.

"I wish these brothers and sisters success in their posts. I congratulate those who contributed to the transformation of this practice, which I see as a manifestation of the social state nature specified in our Constitution, into a verb. In our tradition, the state is one of the orphans, among many other qualities. It is our obligation as a state to take care of our children who have lost their families due to death or for various reasons, to be parents to them. There are many structures created for this purpose during the Ottoman period, from the Eytam Regulation to the establishment of Darülşafaka, which still operates.

Almost all of the foundations, which are the most important institutions in our history and spread all over the world from our country, have a clause in the bill to protect orphans and orphans. The late Kazim Karabekir Pasha's 1st century life in Eastern Anatolia. The courage he showed by caring for orphaned and orphaned children during World War II is still alive in our memories today."

"They could not get a proper education or have a profession"

President Erdogan, who explained that Kazim Karabekir made 4,000 boys and 2,000 girls under his care in addition to meeting all kinds of needs and basic education, said that this model could not be continued unfortunately.

Erdogan reminded that when they came to government, children under state protection were housed in large dormitories with hundreds of people in the form of fish hoardings. In cooperation with non-governmental organizations, we have changed the model of raising our children under state protection from start to finish."

Erdogan stated that instead of housing the children in exceptionally large dormitories and ward system, they switched to home layout and opened these houses in the neighborhoods. To date, we have created 111 children's home sites, 1193 children's homes and 65 child support centers. We have specially trained our personnel to work here. We are currently caring for 13,524 children in these homes, which we have prepared as closely as possible to the family environment."

Erdogan stated that by supporting the families, they enable children to live with their own parents or relatives as much as possible. In the last 8 years alone, 86 percent of our support for this purpose, 86 percent of which is directly to mothers, is 6.9 billion liras. Another application that we have taken care of and tried to develop recently is the 'foster care system'. Currently, 7,864 children live in foster care, which is very sensitively identified and tightly supervised. Moreover, 795 of them are children with special needs."

"I would also like to express my gratitude to the families who adopted orphaned children. Public employment of state-protected children has been going on since 1988. In 2014, we facilitated the work of these children by transforming their public employment into central placement. We also ensured that employment was in their branches according to their level of education. When we came to government, the number of state-protected children placed in public office was 21,300. Today, this number exceeds 55 thousand. In the last 2 1/2 years alone, we've put nearly 7,000 of our children in the public domain. With the incentive application we have implemented, we have employed nearly 4,600 young people in the private sector. We see every penny we spend from the public for our orphaned children as a handout to the head of this state. Hopefully, we are determined to make sure that no child is left unattended and disconnected from society by further expanding practices such as 'support in the family' and 'foster care'."

Pointing out that the quickest way to measure a society's conscience is to look at its treatment of the disabled, Erdogan stressed that the society that takes care of its disabled people will have an indestructible structure.

Erdogan pointed out that there have been heartbreaking images in Turkey for years because the right policies have not been developed on this issue. One of the issues that we focus on and closely follow after coming to the government is the activities of bringing our disabled people into society."

Erdogan reminded that they passed the Law on the Disabled in 2005, and immediately afterwards Turkey became one of the countries that signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and they started to provide care or support for the disabled who needed the support of another person in order to maintain their daily life.

Erdogan said that today they provide care support to nearly 536,000 disabled people with their families.

"We provide inpatind care to nearly 29,000 disabled people in 541 public and private centers. All health services needed by our disabled people are covered by General Health Insurance. In the past, we have ensured that disability reports, which are a source of serious distress due to the fact that they are taken separately for each institution, can be seen by all institutions electronically. We have made very serious adjustments to accessibility, which is important for our disabled and elderly citizens to participate in social life. Today, we have taken revolutionary steps in the employment issue, some of which we have witnessed. We have established a system based on central placement so that the 3 percent of civil servants in public institutions can be used effectively."

 "Comradeship is the Greatest Honor"

Erdogan recalled that the method of central placement for public workers was also introduced, "Thus, we increased the number of disabled civil servants from only 5,777 in 2002 to 58,319. Thus, we have increased the occupancy rate of public disability quotas to 82 percent."

Erdogan underlined that they positively discriminate against people with disabilities in everything from assignment to relocation, from the distribution of duties at work to the working order.

"Thanks to all these efforts, we see that our disabled people are actively involved in life in all areas. Hopefully, we will continue to serve our disabled people in the coming period and always be there for them. Our brothers and sisters, who are honored with veterans with their relatives who are entrusted to us by our martyrs, have a special place in our hearts. There is no greater sacrifice than a person walking over death for his faith and duty, knowingly and willingly, even though he has no obligations. For this reason, our martyr relatives and veterans have always been the crown of our heads. It is the greatest honor for us to be comrades until our last breath with every brother who acts in accordance with the dignity, honor and sensitivity of these denominators, which is the gospel of our Lord. Throughout its history, our nation has taken care of the relatives of the martyrs and veterans. Our state has provided various opportunities for these people with various arrangements from the past to the present."

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, hükümete geldikten sonra şehit yakınları ve gazilerin hep üzerine titrediklerini, İstiklal Harbi'nden Kore ve Kıbrıs'a kadar geçmişten miras aldıkları gazilerin hak ve imkanlarını genişlettiklerini söyledi.

"Serious Support Is Being Given"

Erdogan stated that they have given serious support in the fight against terrorism, cross-border operations, in many different items to all those who were martyred on July 15th and honored with veterans, and that they have implemented practices that will make their hearts happy in everything from compensation to salary, health and education support to employment. Erdogan continued:

"When we came to government, the number of people employed in the public was 6,315, and today the number of people employed in the same scope is close to 45,000. Of course, we know that no matter what we do, we cannot pay the rights of our martyrs and veterans, and that the greatest honor is to have these titles in the eyes of our Lord and our nation. However, as a state, we try to express our gratitude to them by offering all the opportunities we have at the disposal of our martyr relatives and veterans. On this occasion, once again, I ask God's mercy for all our martyrs.

In the hadiths, it is announced that only martyrs and veterans will enter from one of the 8 gates of heaven. May my Lord grant us the opportunity to be among the factions that are worthy of them."

Pointing out that the strength of Turkey's service infrastructure and the breadth of the social state quality emerged much better in times of crisis, Erdogan stated that not only the health infrastructure and the power of General Health Insurance were seen during the epidemic period, but also the inclusiveness of the social support system was tested.

"Vaccine Shortages in the Most Developed Countries"

"We have witnessed images of neither a health crisis nor social breakdown that will burn our hearts during the epidemic, which is approaching almost a year," Erdoğan said.

"On the contrary, we have ensured the survival of our country with our social protection shield payments exceeding 46 billion liras and our support in a wide area. Look, there's a shortage of vaccines in the most developed countries in the world right now. Thanks to the steps we have taken in the vaccine right now, we have started to get our vaccines removed quickly with the payment we have made and hopefully 50 million doses of vaccines will come to our country in the first place. We've started vaccination quickly, and it's going on now. As a country, we have managed to leave behind a process in which heartbreaking scenes are seen even from the most prosperous countries in the world. In this year's budget, the amount we have allocated for social support expenditures exceeds 81 billion liras. Hopefully, we will continue to be there for our citizens from all walks of life whenever they need us."

Erdogan wished the 3,603 young people to be appointed, the disabled, the relatives of the martyrs, the veterans and the relatives of the veterans the best of their staff, and said, "I wish success to every one of you in your positions. I salute you all with love and respect."

We Are Looking to Do What's Best for Our Disabled Brothers and Sisters in Every Field

Speaking at the Social Appointment Ceremony, Minister SELÇUK stressed that strengthening social justice by strengthening the understanding of the social state and policies centered on human beings has always been their priority.

SELÇUK stated that the prerequisite for being a modern society is to become a social state, that the social state offers equal opportunities to citizens in all areas, protects the disadvantaged and increases social peace.

Noting that social development is possible with inclusive and holistic approaches to social services, aid and security, SELÇUK noted that they have expanded social services to include families, children, women, the elderly, the disabled, relatives of martyrs, veterans and all segments of society.

Minister Selçuk said that through the 1003 Foundation for Social Assistance and Solidarity, they are on the ground to ensure that there are no more citizens in need.

Selçuk stated that today's social appointments are complementary to social policy practices as a result of the human and social development moves they have successfully carried out, and said that they are here to open a new door to the future of disabled people, young people raised under state protection, relatives of martyrs, veterans and veterans. Minister SELÇUK continued:

"The rights and struggles of the disabled have become one of the most important issues in the modern world. We are looking to do the best in every field for our disabled brothers and sisters and to carry out every work that will increase their joy and self-confidence in life. From education to health, from employment to social life, we have been and continue to be with our disabled brothers and family in all areas. As in the care services we provide to our disabled people and all other social services, we aim to support and care for them primarily with their families. We reach our disabled people who are cared for by their families with our day care service. We contribute to their socialization. We temporarily offer free guests in our organizations for up to 45 days.

We currently have 124 Day Care Centers, although 117 have been opened in the last 2 years. At the last point, we are commissioning boarding care services as needed. Not only do we look at the quantity of services, but we also strive to take steps to improve our service standards in quality. In order to be a roadmap for all these works, we have gathered our efforts towards our disabilities together with all our stakeholders under the 2030 Disability Vision Document and Disability Rights Action Plan."

SELÇUK stated that last year they launched the National Early Intervention Program in Turkey, where the risks of disability will be identified in terms of the development of infants and children, their development is monitored and families are involved in the process, and in this program they aim to minimize or even eliminate losses from the newborn period.

Stating that they see employment as one of the most important pillars of social welfare and equal opportunity, SELÇUK stated that the employment of disabled people in the private sector has reached 125,000 with facilitating and encouraging policies such as Long Active Workforce Programs, Unhindered Job Coaching Projects, Protected Workplace Models, except for the obligation of compulsory employment. SELÇUK stated that they have been supporting disabled people to start their own businesses with more than 100 million resources so far within the scope of İŞKUR grant support. Emphasizing that they approach children with special care, SELÇUK stated that they are the future of the country and that they are trying to raise the children in the best way.

"Our Proportion of Children Benefiting from Family-Oriented Services Increased to 91 Percent"

"I would like to proudly state that during the period of our governments, our proportion of children benefiting from family-oriented services increased from 39 percent to 91 percent. In this sense, we raise our children as Turkish young people who are engaged in sports, art, attached to their national and spiritual values and looking forward to the future in the places closest to the family warmth."

Selçuk reminded that they launched the Child Friendly Practices Promotion and Anti-Mischievous Content Project last year and created the Mischievous Content Intervention Notification Platform and line within the scope of the project, and this year they will launch a turkey-wide mobilization and awareness study for this line and platform.

Minister Selçuk said, "We support our young people who are under the protection of the state both in our private sector incentives and in all areas of life with public appointments. We will continue to take care of every child that has been left unattended in this country as a state."

Selçuk stated that they are here thanks to the many heroes who wrote epics for the country, state, nation and flag without blinking, and said, "I once again remember all our martyrs with mercy and gratitude."

Selçuk stated that the martyrs and veterans will continue to protect their efforts and will continue to provide services related to economic and social opportunities in many subjects from education to health, housing to transportation.

Noting that a total of 127,580 social appointments will be completed in the last 19 years with 3,603 appointments today, Selçuk said, "Today, our assignment results will be reflected on the screens and you will see our appointment list on the websites of our Ministry as of 17.30. Today will be a new beginning in the lives of our appointed brothers and sisters. I believe that you will bear the responsibility of seeing serving the people as serving God."

Oil Painting Gifted to President Erdogan from Istanbul Palace Children's Homes Site

In the program, Perihan Cetin, Hasret Çarboga and Istanbul Yakacik Hatice Abbas, who are under protection under the direction of Music Teacher Dilan Kayacı from Saray Children's Homes, presented a music concert with Hakki Çakici from The Palace Children's Homes site and canan Yilmaz and his wife Onur Yilmaz, who are visually impaired, presented music and a promotional film was shown.

Minister Selçuk and Alim Yavuz, who benefited from state protection, also gave a speech, and the speeches were conveyed from the stage for the disabled in sign language. In the program, Erdogan was presented with an oil painting by Nuray Ariz and Furkancan Gürel from Istanbul Palace Children's Homes, featuring President Erdogan and a child. Later, President Erdogan pressed the button with Minister Selçuk and his entourage to initiate the resettlement process.