24 February 2021, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

Turkish Sign Language Proficiency Exam (TİDYES) Was Held

Turkish sign language interpreters are key to expressing themselves in many areas of life for hearing impaired individuals who use sign language as a communication language. For this reason, the language proficiency of Turkish Sign language interpreters is the determinant of accurate, effective and effective communication. However, it was necessary to determine the language proficiency of interpreters in line with the experiences gained from existing applications. As it is known, Turkish sign language interpreters have an important role in the access of the hearing impaired to information and services, the elimination of communication needs, their failure to lose rights and their equal participation in society.

Within the scope of the studies carried out under the coordination of our Ministry, it was decided that the authority to take the language level determination exam needed for the determination of the language levels of Turkish Sign Language Interpreter candidates should be given to the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services on behalf of TİDBO by a majority of votes, and in this context, it was decided that the Turkish Sign Language Level Determination Exams should be conducted by an institution authorized by our Ministry and equipped with technical equipment and infrastructure to conduct exams in European Language Portfolio standards.

Within the scope of the protocol signed with Ankara University, TİDYES (Turkish Sign Language Proficiency Exam) 2019/1 and 2020/1 were held in the form of two different sessions at Ankara University Exam Management Center (ASYM) in order to document Turkish sign language proficiency by TÖMER. Turkish sign language proficiency of the candidates who participated as a result of the exam is "A1,A2; B1,B2; C1,C2" levels.  In TİdYES, which has been held twice so far and a total of 296 people participated, 50 people were evaluated as successful at B2 level with a score of 75 or above.

Those who want to work in the field as a Turkish Sign Language interpreter must have taken the exam in question. The proficiency score will be one of the main criteria sought by our Ministry in the employment of Turkish sign language interpreter.

The levels of the European Language Framework, which is also accepted by ÖSYM and used in many foreign language exams and on which TİDYES is based, are as follows;

Common European Language Levels KPDS-YÖKDİL-TİDYES Score Ranges
There is no equivalent 0-29
A1 30-44
A2 45-59
B1 60-74
B2 75-94
C1 95-99
C2 100