02 November 2022, Wednesday Antalya, TURKEY

Training of Trainers in the Field of Care for Persons with Disabilities Organized

In cooperation with our Directorate General and the Department of Education and Publication, the "Trainer Training for Professional Personnel Responsible for the Training of Care Personnel in the Institutions Providing Services to Persons with Disabilities" was held in Antalya on October 25-28, 2022.

In her speech, our Director General mentioned that increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in social life and bringing them to the point of sustaining their lives independently is the most important goal of the services of our Directorate General, and that the care personnel and the professional personnel who train the care personnel play a very important role in the steps to be taken in line with this goal. She stated that the work of our Directorate General, especially on individual care planning, would increasingly continue.

In order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of care services, with the in-service training program organized for the professional personnel who train the care personnel, the professional personnel from different provinces came together and shared their experiences and good practices regarding the cases encountered in practice.

In the program, which lasted for four days and was carried out with the participation of 120 professional personnel, trainings are provided on;

  • Interactive Teaching Methods and Techniques,
  • Trainer with High Performance,
  • Communication Skills and Effective Presentation Techniques
  • Care Services for Persons with Disabilities General Scopes Legal Framework,
  • Care Rehabilitation Centres for Persons with Disabilities and Job Description,
  • Coping with Stress/Burnout and Anger Management,
  • Quality Standards in Care Services for Persons with Disabilities,
  • Daily Life and Self-Care Skills / Creating a Daily Routine Activity Plan,
  • Methods of Coping with Behavioral Problems,
  • Evaluating and Monitoring the Development of Persons with Disabilities,
  • Effective Communication Skills,
  • Health of Persons with Disabilities/ First Aid for Persons with Disabilities,
  • Physical Activity and Exercise regarding Persons with Disabilities,
  • Personal Privacy Training,