10 January 2020, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

The placement of our young people who benefited from disabled and state protection in public institutions was realized with the participation of President ERDOĞAN and Minister SELÇUK

President Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN and Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK attended the ceremony to place our disabled citizens and young people who benefited from state protection in public institutions.

“Number of Disabled Officers Reached 56 thousand 500 People with 10 Times of Increase”

President ERDOGAN, Besiktas National Congress and Culture Center, said in a ceremony, 1304 disabled citizens have placed work in the public, the number of young people who grew up under state protection has reached 29 thousand since 2002. "The number of disabled civil servants in our country has increased by about 10 times compared to the period before us, reaching 56,500 people," he said.

ERDOĞAN stated that they never remain insensitive to disabled people during the 17-year tenure as a state, that they are always with them and will continue to be with them, "Today we are appointing 1561 more young people from every level of education. Thus, Turkey has once again demonstrated that it is a country that fulfills the requirements of being a social state. Like every individual living in this country, we take care of disabled people and our young people who grow up in state protection, and we are trying to prepare themselves for the best future."the point of building the best social security and health care system in the world. We have made special efforts to ensure that no one but the umbrella of the state in our country will remain."

“We increased from 2 billion pounds to 55 billion pounds"

 Erdogan expressed that they increased the annual budget for social benefits from 2 billion pounds to 55 billion pounds, and in the last 17 years, 339 billion pounds of social assistance has been made, the share of social benefits in national income has increased from 0.3 percent to 1.2 percent.

ERDOĞAN disabled people and children under state protection, as well as women, the elderly, widows and orphans, relatives of martyrs and veterans expressed their care, as Turkey grows, enriches the resulting value to all citizens will continue to reflect after that, he said.

2020 'Year of Accessibility'

 Erdogan, who expressed difficulty in even entering the areas where some houses are located, said: "Why? It's not accessible to him. That's what we need to make them accessible. It is also not right to conduct this process randomly, unplanned, unscheduled. Accessibility standards must be set and all institutions must carry out their work accordingly. For this purpose, it is necessary to declarate 2020 as the 'year of accessibility'. With projects to be carried out, both physical access and digital transformation, most importantly, steps should be taken towards mental transformation. If there's no mental transformation, there's already an injury here. I would like to express in particular that I will personally follow this process as President."

"We will build strong families so that we can be a strong nation"

 "Family institution is the backbone of our national existence," President ERDOGAN said. Otherwise, just as the collapsed body of the spine is paralyzed, it is inevitable that a family institution will be destroyed in a divided society. This is the biggest threat to Western societies today. The west is collapsing. Why? There's no such thing as family. But now he's threatening us, too.

When the family institution dissipates, the population begins to decline. Why do I say at least three kids? The reason I said that is because I’m not going to say it. strong nations are made up of strong families. We're going to build strong families so we can be strong folks. For years, unfortunately, they had a policy of sterilization at the birth point. Why? For turkey's population to be reduced. I would argue otherwise that our population should multiply, which is the backbone of the economy that we have studied economics. If there are people, you are strong, if there are people, you are not strong, there is labor if there is human, there is capital if there is human, there is money, if there is human, there is production, there is consumption, there is no human bein.

Minister SELÇUK: "With the appointments we will make today, we will have placed approximately 3200 young people in positions and positions in public institutions from the beginning of 2019."

Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Emerald SELÇUK, speaking at the ceremony, said that a total of 1714 young people who grew up under state protection in May and September 2019 were employed in public institutions. "With the appointments we will make today, we will have placed approximately 3200 young people in positions and positions in public institutions starting in early 2019," SELCUK said.

SELÇUK expressed that they witnessed the excitement of those who overcome obstacles with determination and the relic of the state, and underlined that they defended a community arrangement in which they could overcome obstacles in front of everyone and evaluate the potential they carry in the best way.

SELÇUK said that since 2002, under the leadership of President ERDOGAN, they have implemented revolutionary improvements in social services, social benefits and social security, which have been considered as three main elements under the umbrella of "social protection".