03 March 2020, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

The number of provinces where YADES was implemented increased to 13 by the introduction of the Elderly Support Program in Erzurum and Diyarbakir Provinces

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services SELCUK; The number of provinces where YADES, the Elderly Support Program, which was previously carried out in 11 provinces, has increased to 13.

Minister SELCUK; "With the Elderly Support Program initiated by our Ministry, we ensure the protection and support of our elderly. We make their lives easier by caring for the places where our elderly who need social care. We have provided social services support to 62,400 elderly people in total so far under YADES."

“We will accelerate efforts to expand YADES across the country"

elçuk stated that they support the elderly who are living alone at home or with their spouse or a relative, who need home care and social support services; "We will continue our efforts to support our elderly in many areas such as psychosocial support services, home technical support services, social-cultural activities, trainings and course services, and to promote YADES throughout the country."

Studies Carried Out by Metropolitan Municipalities within the scope of YADES

the scope of YADES, municipalities also offer exemplary services to the elderly. Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality yades within the scope of the "Spiritual Son" project, the elderly in need of care with the electronic system established in their homes follows. Cleaning the elderly's house with a single key and meeting all kinds of personal care needs.

However, with technologically supported smart devices, the elderly are controlled by intelligent drug use, sugar measurements, blood pressure and heartbeats and transmitted them online to the center, providing the elderly to receive services. In cases where the elderly fall inside the house or crash, support teams are directed to the elderly's home thanks to the device that signals.

Gaziantep, Alzheimer's Patient and Patient Relatives Meeting Center (Moral House) and Alzheimer's patients are provided daytime services within the scope of YADES. With this service, the rate of progression of the disease is slowed to help the elderly lead a more active life. With the service provided, support is provided not only to Alzheimer's patients, but also to their relatives.