30 January 2020, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

The Delegation of the Ministry of Poverty and Social Welfare of the Republic of Namibia Made a Working Visit to the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services

A working visit was made to the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services between 27-31 January 2020 by the delegation of the Ministry of Combating Poverty and Social Welfare of the Republic of Namibia.

 Framework of the program created in accordance with the views and demands of the Namibian side and the Windhoek Embassy, on January 29, 2020, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services was located in the Söğütözü campus, 8. In the floor meeting room, an information meeting was held by the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services to promote the Headquarters and its work.

 Delegation of the Ministry of Poverty and Social Welfare of the Republic of Namibia; Sn. Albert BiWA, Mr. Henda Pampili DIAS, Mr. Filimon SENSE, Mr. Oscar MUHAPİ, Mr. Samuel JEGEDE, Mr. Isak Christiaan Jacobus STRAUSS, Mr. Miyaze WALUBİTA, Mr. Lesley Charles USURUA and Mr. Francisco Ndalikokule TAAPAPI, The Delegation met with the Deputy Director general of Disability and Elderly Services, Faik YILDIRIM, Head of Departments and MofFLSS Experts.

Deputy General Director of Disability and Elderly Services YILDIRIM; He stressed that the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services coordinates the efforts to determine policies and strategies at the national level to benefit from human rights for disabled people and the elderly without discrimination, sets policies, procedures and standards for social activities carried out for the disabled and the elderly, and provides cooperation and coordination between the relevant public institutions and organizations and voluntary organizations in this field. Detailed information was given by department's staff, and questions were answered about the practices of the Members of the Delegation of the Ministry of Poverty and Social Welfare of the Republic of Namibia.