24 December 2021, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

The 6th World Muslim Health Societies Congress was held in Malaysia between 21-23 December

Muslim çivil society organizations operating in health-related fields in different parts of the world come together, meet and mingle, with the aim of being a fundamental building block in the establishment of the World Islamic Health Union, between 2-4 December 2016 in Istanbul with the main theme of "Migration and Health". Muslim Health Societies Congress” was held. As a result of the consultations held at this congress, which was also supported by our President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, it was unanimously decided to establish the World Islamic Health Union. With this Congress, where 110 Muslim non-governmental health organizations from 65 countries came together, the “World Islamic Health Union” was established. The headquarters of the union is Ankara.

The 6th World Muslim Health Societies Congress was held in Malaysia on 21-23 December 2021 by the World Islamic Health Union and online participation was provided by our General Directorate.

Our General Director, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ delivered his presentation titled "Home Health and Care Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Turkey Experience".

The theme of the congress was determined as "Recovering After the COVID-19 Pandemic".

During the COVID-19 period, different sub-titles such as vaccination, women's health, obesity, and Islamic medicine were discussed at the Congress, General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ made his presentation titled "Home Health and Care Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Turkey Experience". Within the scope of the presentation, the services provided to our elderly and citizens with disabilities, especially in areas such as long-term care and home health care in our country during the COVID-19 pandemic process, the measures taken, the vaccination process and protective preventive studies such as filiation teams were discussed.