02 March 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Studies of Aging Vision Document Reached the Final Stage

The evaluation meeting of the ageing vision document prepared by the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services was held in the meeting room of our Ministry on February 26, 2020 with the participation of the relevant public institutions and organizations. The Ageing Vision Document Meeting was held with the participation of 30 representatives from responsible public institutions and the relevant units of our Ministry.

General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, Uzm. Dr. Orhan KOÇ in his opening speech; "With the announcement of 2019 as the "Year of the Elderly" in the 1st Old Age Council, "2030 Elderly Vision Document" was prepared with the aim of promoting active aging and strengthening the elderly' rights, and this document is a guide and roadmap," he said.

"Aging Vision Document" was presented by MoFLSS Expert Assistant Ipek KELBAS regarding the goals and actions contained in the Aging Vision Document. In order to realize the vision of ensuring the active participation of elderly individuals in society, their reputable life and well-being, the vision document was finalized by making the necessary revision in accordance with the opinions of 60 action area stakeholders who will form the basis of the activities to be carried out to achieve these goals with 21 goals in the policy areas determined in order to realize their vision of being good. After the publication of the Vision Document, it is planned to be implemented with an action plan to be prepared with the contributions of the relevant institutions.