28 September 2021, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Stakeholders Meeting Organized by the United Nations Population Fund within the context of Ageism Held Online

The meeting organized by the United Nations Population Fund was held online with the participation of representatives of European and Central Asia governments, stakeholders from international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, private sector, academy, and media.

Ageism in the “Global Report on Ageism”, prepared by United Nations Population Fund, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and World Health Organization, is described as every kind of cognitive and behavioural attitude which could be stereotype, prejudice, and discriminatory for age of persons.

Ageism can be institutional, interpersonal, and personal. With institutional ageism laws, rules, social norms, and policies are attributed and it is understood that persons are observed as disadvantaged systematically because of their ages by institutions. Interpersonal ageism occurs during interaction between two or more people and personal ageism is described as interiorized stereotypes and prejudices.

One of the action fields discussed on 14 December 2020 within the framework of “Decade of Healthy Ageing: 2021-2030” was precautions for ageism. In this context representatives from Europe and Central Asia, stakeholders from international and regional organizations, nongovernmental organizations, private sector, academy, and media.

To the Meeting Where “Ageism in Europe and Central Asia” Theme was Discussed, our Directorate General Attended.

 Activities, with the “Ageism Through the Ages” theme, were planned between 1 October 2021 (International Day of Older Persons) and 20 November 2021 (World Children's Day) by The United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing.

A meeting on ageism in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, World Health Organization, and HelpAge International was held with the participation of stakeholders from Europe and Central Asia on 27 September 2021. To the meeting, to which commissioners from Eastern Europe and Central Asia attended, Directorate General of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly Department of Welfare of the Elderly participated.

 At the meeting negative effects of ageism on a regional and territorial basis were discussed while the notion and definition of ageism is approached, and adverse conditions due to ageism during COVID-19 pandemic were examined. At the meeting, which was organized as an opening for the activities that will be conducted regarding ageism, the activities which will be held between 1 October 2021-20 November 2021 were announced.  The Fundamental Rights Forum (Combat Ageism) that will be held on 11 and 12 October 2021 and its content were presented.

For the report on ageism of United Nations and the other relevant documents:


 For the registration to ageism themed interactive sessions (11 October 2021: How to combat ageism: Promoting a rights-based approach to ageing!, 12 October 2021: Combating ageism: building a world for all ages):
