28 January 2021, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Spiritual Support Program for Nursing Home Residents Prepared

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is taking new steps to motivate the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, a spiritual support program was prepared for the residents of the nursing home.

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services is taking new steps to motivate the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Religious and spiritual guidance programs are prepared in order to strengthen the psychology of our elderly people who are in care in the organizations and to maintain the well-being by ensuring that they are least affected by the process. The programs will start today, there will be one session each month.

The programs will be carried out by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services via the official Youtube channel of the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services. Each program will start with the opening speech of an official from the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services. The most part of the program, which continues with the Qur'an, is covered by a conversation of instructive topics. After the conversation, the Sufi Music Concert will be held. The 45-minute program will end with a prayer.

The topic of conversation of the first program will be "The Purpose of Creation and The Consciousness of Servitude", while in February the topic of "Regaib Kandili and The WholeHearted Attachment to Allah and His Messenger" will be discussed, while in March the topic of "Berat Kandili and the Prophet Muhammad" will be discussed. In April, a conversation on "Ramadan and Remembrance" was held, while in May a conversation on "The Night of Almighty and the Virtues of Reading/Listening to the Quran" was planned. In June, the conversation on "The Meaning of Morality and Good Morality in Islam" will meet with the elderly.