16 December 2019, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

"Seeded Confederation for Disabled People" Held by world chess federation (FIDE) for the first time

Chess Continents Meet. Next year's "1st Day" World Chess Paralympic Championships” first chess tournament ahead athletes with FİDE vision, hearing and physical disabilities from24 countries participated in the Confederations Cup for Disabled People.

Organized by the Confederation of Disabled People Turkey and Russia participated in the Cup with the joint team. In the cup held in Ankara, Europe The continental team managed to reach the championship.

The tenacious struggle of disabled athletes 5 days was followed with great interest.

Turkey and Russia Fought Together

The tournament was marked by the friendships set up by athletes from all over the world such as Turkey, Russia, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, Poland and Zambia, and competed in the 6-person African, American, European, Asian mixed teams, each with at least one female athlete. The Russian Turkey team, consisting of host Turkey and sponsor country Russia, also competed at the chess table for the friendship of the two countries.

There Were Star Names in the Joint Team

Ahmet Taha INAL, who won the championship in several tournaments for the Russia-Turkey team, was competing with Büşra ÖZTÜRK and Özlem ERTEN, who finished second in 2019 at the Turkish Visually Impaired Chess Championship, and  Handenur SHAHIN, who attracted attention with his academic career as well as the rising stars of turkish chess. On the Russian side, 2018 IBSA World Chess Champion FIDE Master (FM) Stanislav BABARYKİn holdsthe record for the 6-time IPCA World Champion and is known for his book'Four Knight Games', and andrey OBODCHUK, known for his book 'Four Knight Games', at the 2012 World Senior Chess Championships and the 2018 Russian Chess Championship, which gained a place in memory with its success performance, was included in Tatyana LUKINA. The European Team Was the Champion of the Cup Fide Vice President Akaki LASHVli, FIDE Vice President and TSF President Gulkız TULAY, Deputy Minister of Family,  Labour  and Social Services and TSF Vice President Ayşe KARDAŞ ERGEZEN, Rosatom Representative Rosatom  Energy International  (REIN) International Communications Manager Yaroslav MOZDAKOV and Deputy Director general of Sports Services Assoc. Phd. Veli Ozan ÇAKIR and TSF Deputy Chairman Transcendence Keleş also attended. ErGEZEN, Deputy Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services and Chair of TSF, emphasized that he was incredibly happy to participate in theorganism, adding, "Success is never a coincidence, and we know that obstacles are only in the minds. We as a ministry are always with the sport and the athlete,"" he said, thanking her who contributed to the organization.