26 October 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Roadmap for Students with Disabilities under Establishment Care in 'Face-to-Face Education'

Roadmap for Students with Disabilities under Establishment Care in 'Face-to-Face Education'

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services has ordered that the face-to-face education processes of students with disabilities under establishment care be monitored and evaluated weekly by the Coordination and Evaluation Boards in the institutions.

In line with the measures taken throughout Turkey due to Kovid-19, schools were gradually opened in the instructional paper, which identified the ways and practices to follow for students with disabilities of educational age.

Accordingly, the situation of people with disabilities who are under care in organizations and who attend school will be evaluated by the "Coordination and Evaluation Board" created with the participation of the establishment health service personnel and professional staff within the framework of the decisions of the Provincial Health Board, taking into account whether they have chronic diseases.

Taking into care of the high benefit of the disabled, the process of continuing face-to-face education according to the situation of individual and group training will be determined in accordance with the decisions of the board.

In the process of sending students with disabilities to school, planning will be made in coordination with the provincial national education directorates. Students will be provided to abide by all measures taken at the school and to be present at the school during the specified days and hours.

Fever Measurements will be made on the way to and from school

The Coordination and Evaluation Boards will assess the weekly status of people with disabilities to attend school. Students with disabilities who go to school and return from school with fever measurements, hand washing, clothes change, such as cleaning checks will be carried out by maintenance staff.