28 June 2022, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Prizes Will Find Their Owners in Accessibility Themed Contests

Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Derya Yanık, will present the awards to the winners of the "Accessibility Themed Contests" organized by our Ministry of Family and Social Services in order to raise awareness among children and young people about accessibility and to spread this awareness on 30 June 2022.

“Accessibility Themed Contests” were organized for children and youth by the Ministry of Family and Social Services, General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, with the aim of creating a culture of accessibility in our country. Applications for the contests held in the categories of "poetry" for primary schools, "painting" for secondary schools and "short film" for high schools, which started in March and ended in May.

The works prepared by the students and selected to represent the schools were examined by the evaluation boards consisting of representatives from the Ministry, other public institutions and confederations providing services for persons with disabilities, and academics. As a result of the evaluation, the owners of the first three works that were entitled to receive awards in each category were determined.

In each category, the winner will be awarded 6,000 TL, the second 4,000 TL, and the third 2,000 TL. The winners will be presented their awards on 30 June 2022 at the ceremony to be held at the Presidential National Library with the participation of the Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık. Within the scope of the ceremony, a painting exhibition consisting of the works that applied to the contest will also take place in the foyer area.