20 September 2022, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Our Minister Derya Yanık: “We provided 6 billion 907 million TL benefit in cash to our citizens in need in August”

Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık announced that they provided 6 billion 907 million TL benefit in cash to citizens in need in August.

Stating that they have established and maintained a rights-based, accountable, sustainable social assistance system that adheres to objective criteria, Minister Yanık made statements regarding the benefit in cash that took place in August.

Stating that the services they have implemented for citizens in need are not demand-oriented but supply-oriented Minister Yanık said: “In the past, while citizens were visiting public institutions to receive a service, to meet a need, now we go to the citizens. We support them with our various social assistance programs.”

Reminding that they brought various social assistances to the citizens during the payment period, Minister Yanık said: “We do not leave the citizens alone in many issues such as; Disability Pension and Pension for Relatives of Persons with Disabilities, Electricity Consumption Support, Home Care Allowance for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities, Allowance for Women whose Husband Passed Away, General Health Insurance Allowance, Electricity Consumption Support. In August, when we add these assistances as well as other social allowances, we provided approximately 6 billion 907 million TL benefit in cash to the citizens in need. 

2.7 billion TL old-age and disability pension was provided

Noting that they stand by citizens in every field such as; education health, economy, and social life so that persons with disabilities and older persons can live independently through their full and effective participation in social life, Minister Yanık said: “Accordingly, in August, we deposited a total of 2.7 billion TL of old-age and disability pension into the accounts of beneficiaries.”

Needs are met through VEFA (Fidelity) Projects

Minister Yanık stated that with the Vefa Project, they met the needs of older persons, persons with disabilities, those who cannot fulfill their own self-care due to severe chronic diseases and citizens over the age of 65, and said that they provided a allowance of 140.1 million TL in August.

111.8 million TL allowance for women whose spouses passed away

Noting that they provided allowance to the women whose husbands passed away in August, Minister Yanık said: “We continue to be with women in need whose spouses passed away. In this context, we provided a total of 111.8 million TL allowance to women in need.”

The Ministry undertakes the GSS (General Health Insurance) Premium payments of the citizens in need

Minister Yanık stated that they support the citizens who do not have health insurance or whose health insurance premiums are covered by the Ministry so that they can benefit from health services. Noting that the General Health Insurance premiums are covered in this direction, Minister Yanık said: “As the Ministry, we undertook the General Health Insurance premium of 3.1 billion TL, which our citizens have to pay to SSI.

270.9 million TL Electricity Consumption Support

Reminding that they provide Electricity Consumption Support to needy households benefiting from regular social assistance programs, Minister Yanık said: “In addition, with the new regulation we have made, we have bent the conditions for benefiting from Electricity Consumption Support for Chronic Patients. Those who received home care allowance could not benefit from electricity consumption support. With our new arrangement, persons with disabilities who receive home care allowance will also benefit from electricity consumption support. In this context, we provided a total of 270.9 million TL allowance in August.”

Periodic shares transferred to SYDVs (Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations)

Minister Yanık said: “We regularly allocate resources under the name of "periodic share" every month to Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations in 81 provinces and districts so that they can carry out their social assistance activities. In this context, we provided TL 212.8 million allowance for the month of August.”

Reaching citizens through the National Household Visits Program

Minister Yanık stated that they have also implemented a new project at the point of determining the needs of the citizens and said:

“As the Ministry, we initiated the National Household Visiting Program. We go door-to-door and identify the needs of households, if any, and we meet their needs immediately if it is a service to be provided by our Ministry. If it is a situation outside of us, we immediately direct it to the relevant institution. In this context, we provided a total of 171.9 million TL allowance in August. We fulfill the social state phenomenon that goes to the citizens in need. At the end of the project, we will have visited all 26 million households.”