23 June 2022, Thursday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Our Minister, Derya Yanık, Visited Barrier-Free Care Centre

Our Minister of Family and Social Services, Derya Yanık, said: "In the next period, we will continue to work in a way that will meet the needs of our citizens with disabilities and their families as a whole."

Minister Derya Yanık visited Etimesgut Municipality Sacettin Gürbüz Barrier-Free Care Special Education and Rehabilitation Centre. Minister Yanık, who chatted with teachers and students in the training workshops, watched the theater and choir show prepared by the students with disabilities for the end of the year.

In her speech, Minister Yanık stated that different workshops such as ceramic making, coding and music are carried out for persons with disabilities at the centre and that the happiness of being here is reflected on the faces of the children.

Indicating that they act with the understanding of seeing people as a whole and valuing people in all social services and activities, Yanık emphasized that they continue to work uninterruptedly to meet the physical and social needs of individuals with disabilities in all of the Barrier-Free Care Centres that the Ministry provides.

"We will continue to work in order to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families"

Minister Yanık stating that they carry out activities aimed at meeting the unique needs of each disability group in terms of physical, mental and social aspects, said: “At the same time, the families of persons with disabilities also have social needs. In the next period, we will continue to work in a way that will meet the needs of our citizens with disabilities and their families as a whole.”

Underlining that this centre and many similar works will continue to be implemented in cooperation, Yanık noted that services aimed at meeting the education, accessibility, socialization and health needs of persons with disabilities will increasingly continue.

"They are our children, whom we all need to take care of, protect and support"

Minister Yanık drew attention to the importance of continuing the work for children with disabilities in cooperation, and said:

“Our civilization believes that the child is the common trust of humanity. When it comes to our children with disabilities, that trust goes double. They are our legacy. It is our children that we should all take care of, protect and support. This and similar studies, the care of families, the effort to raise their children as individuals, enable us to fulfill our responsibility as a state to serve them. Otherwise, whatever you produce, if there is no response to the addressee, if it does not create a movement for the addressee, that service is doomed to fail.”

Expressing that she is very happy to be together with the children at the centre, Minister Yanık thanked everyone and their families for their efforts.