08 October 2021, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Online Meeting on Accessibility Collaboration between EYHGM and Presidency of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was Held

Our Directorate General Department of Accessibility and Presidency of TRNC Commission of Disability, founded with the purpose of contributing to active and effective participation of persons with disabilities in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in society, held an online meeting.

At the meeting to which Presidency of TRNC Head of Commission of Disability Ahmet AKDENİZ, Prof. Dr. Fahriye ALTINAY from Near East University, Head of Accessibility Department of our General Directorate Dr. Deniz ÇAĞLAYAN GÜMÜŞ, and experts attended, accessibility works planned for TRNC were discussed.

At the meeting information about legislation on accessibility in our country, Accessibility Monitoring and Supervision System and Monitoring and Supervision Forms, planning process of “2020 Turkey Accessibility Awards”, “Accessibility Workshops: Pavements” workshops and education activities was provided. It was stated that technical information from our Directorate General for implementation of some of these works in TRNC and education from our Ministry accessibility technical team for executives and personnel on disability and accessibility can be provided.

Moreover it is said that Accessibility Workshops for municipalities in TRNC on pavements may be carried out, technical information support may be provided in case a similar one of Accessibility Support Projects carried out for generalizing accessibility in our country is implemented in TRNC. At the meeting it is deliberated that further collaboration of Presidency of TRNC Commission on Disability and our Directorate General on Accessibility would contribute to receiving positive results.