18 March 2022, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Nursing Homes Became Home to 26 Thousand "Çınar"

Within the scope of the works carried out to ensure the active participation of old persons in social life, to increase their life standards and to ensure that they live in better conditions, a total of 26 thousand 2 people are provided with service; 14 thousand 535 in state nursing homes and 11 thousand 467 in private nursing homes.
Many studies are carried out by the Ministry in order to expand home care and day care services for old persons and to focus on policies that support the care of old persons with their families. Efforts continue to increase the living standards of old persons and to ensure that they live in better conditions.
Within the scope of the works, it is aimed to create a living space where old persons feel happy and peaceful, with nursing homes, elderly care and rehabilitation centres, and living homes, the number of which is increasing day by day.
127 thousand old persons are supported with home care allowance
Allowance provided to old persons living with their families continue. With the Day Care Centres for Old Persons Model, which has been implemented, it is aimed to facilitate the lives of healthy old persons people who live alone at home or who lead their lives with their families or relatives, and to increase their standard of living and well-being.
In the centres where support services are provided in daily life activities, social, artistic and sportive activities and activity groups are established according to the interests of old persons, and efforts are made to enrich social relations and increase their quality of life with the activities organized.
In this context, 301 old persons are actively provided with care services in 32 institutions that provide daytime services. Within the scope of social support and assistance for persons with disabilities and old persons, home care allowance, which has been initiated with the Social Services Law in 2005, has been increased to 2 thousand 354 liras per month.
An average of 535 thousand citizens, who take care of their relatives with disabilities in need of care, are supported with cash benefit every month. Considering the disability that arises with age, 127 thousand fully dependent old persons are provided with home care allowance to ensure their lives with their families and their social environment.
Free care service for old persons in need of care
In cases where it is not possible to stay with their families, old persons are provided with services in nursing homes and nursing home elderly care and rehabilitation centres.
In this context, as of today, approximately 12,800 people are served in 164 nursing homes with a capacity of 17,644 under the Ministry of Family and Social Services.
As of February 2022, 11 thousand 467 old persons are cared for in 268 private nursing homes with a capacity of 17 thousand 606, and 1735 old persons are cared for in 20 nursing homes, which belong to other public enterprises with a capacity of 2 thousand 889. Currently, there are a total of 452 nursing homes belonging to the Ministry, private and other public institutions. A total of 26 thousand 2 people stay; 14 thousand 535 of them in state-owned nursing homes and 11 thousand 467 of them in private nursing homes.
On the other hand, all the expenses of the old persons in need of care who do not have financial means and stay in nursing homes affiliated to the Ministry are covered by the state. In this context, 4 thousand 84 people receive free care services.
By the end of 2023, the Ministry aims to open 18 new nursing homes with a capacity of 1720, and 23 nursing homes including 5 renovated ones with a capacity of 600 with a total capacity of 2,320.
By the end of 2023, the Ministry aims to open 23 nursing homes with a total capacity of 2,320, 18 of them new nursing homes with a capacity of 1720, and 5 renovated ones with a capacity of 600.