28 September 2022, Wednesday Kahramanmaraş, TURKEY

Nursing Home Resident Returning to University with Student Amnesty Made His Way to Istanbul

Fahrettin Güngör, 70, one of the residents of Kahramanmaraş Şehit Hakan Duyğal Nursing Home Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centre affiliated to the Ministry of Family and Social Services, had to leave his education halfway due to the death of his father 43 years ago. Fahrettin Güngör became a university student again after the legal arrangement known as "student amnesty" in the public.

Güngör, who completed his high school education and won Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1970, wanted to change his department after a while and took the exam again. Having settled in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Yıldız Technical University, Güngör returned to his hometown of Kahramanmaraş in 1979 when his father passed away when he was a fourth year student. Having experienced some difficulties in this process, Güngör left school and took over his father's business.

Having worked in trade for about 10 years, going to Germany in 1989 and working in a chemical factory, Güngör returned to his hometown in 1994.

After his business life, Güngör settled in Kahramanmaraş Şehit Hakan Duyğal Nursing Home Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centre about 7 years ago.

Güngör, whose enthusiasm for reading and learning never faded, decided to complete his university education after the Council of Higher Education determined the procedures and principles regarding the implementation of the legal regulation known as "student amnesty" in the public.

Prepared to set out for Istanbul after the necessary arrangements, Güngör cut the cake prepared for him at the ceremony organized by the nursing home administration, said goodbye to his friends one by one and went to Yıldız Technical University to register.

He will take 8 lessons

Fahrettin Güngör said that he could not graduate because there were 8 courses left, and that he was sad for not being able to complete his university education for years.

Expressing that he thinks that he will not have any difficulty in completing his education because he loves to read and is eager to learn, Güngör emphasized that he is the best example of the saying "There is no age limit for reading". Güngör said, "I hope this enthusiasm and determination of mine will set an example for young people."

Fahrettin Güngör said, "Especially the Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık, the Provincial Director Mutlu Kaya, our institution director and the residents of the nursing home encouraged me. I also want to continue my application with determination and enthusiasm. I think I will be successful and I want to return to my province with my diploma."

"My goal is to complete school"

Güngör, who enrolled in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Yıldız Technical University, stated that there is no age limit to study, and said:

“Today was a chance after many years. Even though I was 70 years old, I came to Istanbul to complete my school to take advantage of that chance. I meet smiling faces with sweet happiness. Whoever knows, their eyes sparkle. I felt that the 70-year-old's wish to stay in a nursing home and continue his education was very well received. Of course, my happiness is more. I am very happy with my position. Now my main goal is to complete school. What happens after that, I didn't plan it, but if I get the opportunity, maybe I can do something. My first thought is to hang the diploma of my school that I left unfinished on the wall.

Güngör, who stays as a guest in Bahçelievler Nursing Home, noted that he was excited to start school again after many years.

Expressing that there will be people who call him "uncle" or "grandfather" at the university, Güngör said: "I felt the loss of leaving school unfinished. I want to finish it, now I want to taste that happiness. After a short while, when they see my determination and desire and realize that I am a good student, I have a feeling that I will continue to attend the class as their friends. I recommend everyone to complete their education regardless of their profession, assuming it will be easier after that.”