22 May 2020, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

NGO-Academician Meeting for Hearing Impaired Was Held under the Coordination of General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, Exp. Dr. Orhan KOÇ

Meeting was held via the WEB with the participation of federations, confederations and affiliated associations, academicians and representatives of the Ministry of National Education, operating in the field of hearing impaired under the coordination of Dr. Orhan KOÇ. At the meeting; Problems experienced by hearing impaired individuals, solutions and current services were evaluated.

Koç, the work on sign language, measures and warnings to be taken in the pandemic to ensure that the information about the information made in the accessible format, the work carried out in order to ensure that the disabled and the elderly under institutional care, gave information about the measures taken during this period. 

 The participants expressed their satisfaction that such a meeting was held during the Covid-19 process and the representatives of the field were informed. Tomurcuk Association President Faruk BILGILI;  disability database deficiencies indicated, according to obstacle groups, the disabled database should be updated and long-term projects should be done by using this data, he said.

 Representative of the Bionic Eared Children's Association War SEYHAN; After hearing screening scans related to disability, the diagnosed children were sent home and not followed, but subsequent processes were very important, after stating that the subject is very important, he stressed that academic success is very low, especially in children with total hearing loss, and that additional quota should be given in the examinations.

Seyfettin TORAMAN, head of the Department of National Education, said that they have implemented in-service trainings for teachers in hearing impaired schools and that all teachers are working to make protocols for the graduate education program, where participation is mandatory.

Bulent TEKIN, Vice President of the National Federation of Deaf and representative of the Anatolian Deaf Athletes Association; He noted the importance of increasing the number of Turkish sign language interpreters by stating that the number is inadequate.

Van Hearing Impaired Education Youth Culture and Sports Club Association President Aydin TÜRK; Hearing impaired EKPSS failed, stating that they failed at the point of solving the issue emphasized the importance of taking a sign language examination.

Deaf National Federation Vice President, Anatolian Deaf Athletes Association Representative Nurben KENDirli; Deaf grammar and Turkish grammar are different and therefore communication problems are experienced she said, adding that it would be useful to print a booklet describing the difference between deaf grammar and Turkish grammar.

MoFLSS Expert Sinan GERGİN; EKPSS said that he wants to explain the subject, the most important application brought with EKPSS is to allow disabled people to get a job gradually according to their graduation status and under normal conditions they request staff according to the needs of institutions, but EKPSS also received first requests and then said that the staff scoured.

Koç University Lecturer Hasan DİKYUVA; In the studies carried out in the MoNE, it raised the importance of providing individual workshops on many issues such as education, health, etc. and the need for support from the deaf.

Onur CANTİMUR, president of the Association for Hearing Families and Children, said that Corona Virus is not a sign language interpreter in public spots, that broadcasting legislation should be implemented, but that there is no obligation to translate into sign language when voice representation is made according to this legislation, underlining that there should be both in the publications and noting the importance of information by asking if sufficient information is given with sign language on the ways to meet the needs of deaf elderly people.

Bursa Hearing Impaired Association representative Şener BAŞ, -Suleyman GÖK established and developed a system such as the school of deaf should be developed, deaf students do not understand the sign-free verbal education should be provided necessarily said access should be provided. Health, education, social assistance legal process, etc. in many areas of problems, a single meeting to discuss different topics by creating working groups to waste the discussion of all problems, said that it is important to discuss different topics at different times, stressing that processes should be accelerated in solving the problems of hearing-impaired individuals.

Şebnem ŞEN, President of The Association for The Hearing Impaired in Marmara; Covid said that because the elderly have a lot of difficulties in the process, it can be easier to solve the problems of the hearing impaired if the appointment of contract educators to hospitals or the active role of non-governmental organizations for the deaf and the hearing impaired in the support of interpreters can be easier to solve the problems of the hearing impaired.

Orkun UTSUKARCI, president of the Confederation of Deaf, said the importance of planning on achieving equality in all areas by continuing to work in cooperation.

During the meeting, Uzm. Dr. Orhan KOÇ answered questions, answering questions, answering solutions for problems and the importance of effective use of existing applications (e.g., in the covid process of hearing-impaired individuals, they can get support by calling 112 to meet their needs) and stressed that work will be done with the relevant Ministries and institutions on issues such as employment, education, examinations, accessibility, and that new arrangements and service improvement are being carried out within the framework of evaluation on changing needs and deficiencies related to our Ministry's services.