14 January 2020, Tuesday Ankara, Turkey

New Day Living Centers for Individuals with Alzheimers and Autism

Rector of Higher Specialized University. Dr. Mustafa PAÇ and Deputy Mayor of Sincan İhsan DUMAN, General Manager of Disabled Elderly Services Exp. Dr. In his interview with Orhan KOÇ, opening of Day Life Centers for Alzheimer and Autism individuals (Disease / Illness / Morbus / Pathology) was discussed.

General Manager of Disabled Elderly Services Exp. Dr. Orhan KOÇ; Disabled citizens, said they remain helpless Turkey since 2002 for those who need care today to develop models of care that they care center of 27 thousand 354 handicapped individuals they serve.

In addition, another issue that they attach importance to, indicating that the day living centers. Dr. Orhan KOÇ; He stated that they increased the number of day-living centers, which were only 7 in 2018, to 69 centers in 52 provinces as of 2019, and that the day-living centers for disabled people would provide active services in 81 provinces before the end of 2020.