01 September 2021, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

National Aging Country Report Stakeholder Meeting Held Online

On August 24, 2021, the National Aging Country Report Stakeholder Meeting was held with the participation of representatives of 45 stakeholder institutions such as organizations from public institutions, academia, non-governmental organizations, and local government units.

Adopted by the Second World Assembly on Aging, held in Madrid from 8-12 April 2002, the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (MIPAA) is a global normative framework for improving the quality of life of older people, transforming the aging population into opportunities for countries and solving their challenges. Grouped under ten commitments for MIPAA by the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Aging, held in Berlin that same year, the UNECE Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS) for measures and action was also approved.

At the beginning of the MIPAA, a systematic review and evaluation of its implementation at the regional and global levels were agreed upon every five years. Afterward, our National Country Report was prepared by our Ministry in 2016 within the scope of the third review and evaluation cycle of the Madrid International Aging Action Plan and Regional Implementation Strategy (MIPAA/RIS).

Preparations on our National Country Report, which will be prepared within the scope of the fourth review and evaluation cycle of the MIPAA/RIS implementation covering the years 2018-2022, on the policies and programs implemented for older individuals have already started. In this context, the National Aging Country Report Stakeholder Meeting was held on August 24, 2021, with the participation of representatives of 45 stakeholder institutions and organizations from public institutions and organizations, academia, non-governmental organizations, and local government units.

Dr. Orhan KOÇ; A Special Convention Protecting the Rights of the Elderly is Needed Internationally

In the opening speech of the National Aging Country Report Stakeholder Meeting held online, General Manager Dr. Doctor Orhan KOÇ expressed that there is no international convention that addresses the rights of the elderly, unlike vulnerable or disadvantaged groups such as children or persons with disabilities. Later on, he pointed out the need for a special convention that protects the rights of the elderly in the international arena. Expressing all aspects of the work carried out on the economic, social, and cultural rights of the elderly in our country, Dr. KOÇ stated that National Country Reports were prepared and presented in 2007, 2012, and 2016, and stated that since the establishment of our Ministry, the preparatory work for the second Country Report has been started this year, following the report in 2016.

After the opening speech of the meeting, Burcu AYHAN EKENCI, MofLSS Expert General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, with the presentation of “Madrid International Action Plan National Report Preparation Process and Guide”, explained the historical process of the Action Plan and Regional Implementation Strategy, informed the participants about the preparation phases. Explaining the purpose of the report and the guidelines on how it should be prepared, EKENCI presented the timeline prepared by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, gave a comprehensive explanation of the content of the report and the nature of the contributions to be made. After the presentation of EKENCI, the meeting ended after the questions, answers, and suggestions from the stakeholders.

The National Aging Country Report, prepared with the participation of our Ministry and stakeholder organizations, covers the developments and planned studies in the field of aging in the five years covering the years 2018-2022. In line with the policies of the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the United Nations, the contribution of academia, non-governmental organizations, local administrations, and relevant public institutions is considered important for the preparation of the report with a participatory approach.