08 August 2023, Tuesday İzmir, TÜRKİYE

Mukhtars Consultation Meeting was Held to Improve Protective and Preventive Services in Province İzmir

With the awareness of the importance of establishing effective and efficient communication with all relevant stakeholders while reaching out to citizens with people-oriented and rights-based policies embracing all segments of the society; the first Muhtars Consultation Meeting was held in Izmir, which was determined as a pilot province by the Ministry to develop protective and preventive measures in cooperation with local mukhtars through social mapping of neighborhoods.

Dr. Sevim Sayım Madak, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services, stated: "Today, we have met with mukhtars, as the representatives at the farthest edge of society, to fulfill the requirements of the social government, to add value to society and to benefit people, for the start of a valuable work."

In the meeting moderated by Ms. Elmas Esra Ceceli, General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, information was provided on the social service and social assistance models offered by the Ministry for persons with disabilities and older persons, and plans were made to strengthen cooperation and coordination in the field.