22 March 2022, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Ministry of Family and Social Services Introduced "Accessibility Logo"

The Accessibility Logo, which was created by the Ministry of Family and Social Services and designed by the United Nations to show buildings, workplaces, public transportation vehicles and products that are accessible for persons with disabilities, was introduced.

An introductory meeting was held on the accessibility logo, which was prepared by the Ministry to increase the visibility of "accessibility practices", which means that places and services can be accessed independently and safely.

An introductory meeting was held on the accessibility logo, which was prepared by the Ministry to increase the visibility of "accessibility practices", which means that places and services can be accessed independently and safely. Öncü stated that it is their priority for individuals to feel happy, independent of their identity and personality.

Noting that they started the regulations for persons with disabilities with the efforts to strengthen the legal infrastructure in 2005 and they created a law for persons with disabilities with 1500 articles, Öncü reminded that Türkiye was among the first countries to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2007.

Deputy Minister Öncü explained that positive discrimination for persons with disabilities was constitutionally guaranteed in 2010 and the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was approved in 2015. Öncü noted that they prepared the "2030 Barrier-Free Vision Document" and established the Accessibility Monitoring and Inspection System in 2013 and said: "We initiated inspections and enabled municipalities and institutions to take action. We have carried out 47 thousand 527 inspections to date. As a result of the inspection, for the buildings, open areas, and public transportation vehicles we issue an 'Accessibility Certificate'. In this context, we have issued 2 thousand 550 documents."

"20 thousand 148 people attended the accessibility trainings"

Noting that the accessibility logo they promoted can be used in the buildings, open spaces and public transportation vehicles that have received the relevant document, Öncü informed that 20 thousand 148 people attended the accessibility trainings held since 2011.

Öncü reminded that the special budget code opened for accessibility-related expenditures in 2018 was started to be used by public institutions, and President Erdoğan declared 2020 as the "Year of Accessibility" to create a culture of accessibility.

Reminding that they carried out the work on the sidewalks with municipalities within the scope of the "Accessibility Workshops" they started last year, Öncü stated that they will continue the workshops with the subjects of pedestrian crossings and stops this year.

Deputy Minister Öncü said: " One of the areas of study that we attach great importance to was the emergency and evacuation plan and systems. We are one step closer to developing standards that will contribute to the international arena with our two workshops with international participation. We also held the 'Accessibility of Intelligent Transportation Systems Workshop'. We have completed the 'Web Accessibility Checklist' using the current standard and will be making it available in the coming days."

" We have determined that the UN's accessibility logo is suitable for this purpose."

Pointing out that they will organize "Accessibility Themed Contests" for students in order to increase social awareness about accessibility, Öncü said that they will also develop the "Accessibility Guide for Children" they prepared in 2017.

Pointing to the importance of promoting accessibility, Öncü stated that the "accessibility logo" is one of the steps taken to increase the visibility of applications, and that they decided that the logo designed by the UN serves this purpose. Öncü noted the following about the process of using the logo:

" The accessibility logo was created to show products, buildings, open space uses, and public transportation that are accessible for persons with disabilities. It includes physical access as well as access to information and communication technologies. Our logo can be used in visible areas such as flags, signs, labels, printed materials such as brochures, business cards, and promotional and advertising materials by those who are entitled to receive the 'Accessibility Certificate' as a result of the audit. Accessibility will now be more visible with the Accessibility logo."

"Citizens will have independent access to the area and building where they see this logo"

General Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, Spc. Dr. Orhan KOÇ, said that today is important in terms of expressing the point reached by accessibility in Türkiye.

Stating that various activities are carried out simultaneously at more than 2000 points that received an "Accessibility Certificate" in 81 provinces, Koç said, "From now on, all our citizens, whether disabled, elderly, children, women, will understand that they can independently access an area and building where they see this logo." said.

Öncü and Koç then hoisted the flag with the accessibility logo, and affixed the labels to the Ministry entrance and the special public bus with the disability ramp, announcement system and wheelchair area.

Features of the Accessibility Logo

The symmetrical figure and circle shape in the logo represent the global reach and harmony between the individuals that make up the society. The human figure with open arms symbolizes the inclusion of all people with different characteristics. The head in the logo represents cognitive thinking, the four blue circles represent the extremes of the body, the mobility of the hands and feet, and the open arms represent inclusiveness.