29 September 2020, Tuesday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: "We will spread the models of site, courtyard and small house type nursing home for our elderly to live in good conditions"

Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK said they will disseminate 3 different architectural models for new nursing home service buildings so that older citizens can live in better conditions. 

Minister SELCUK, as the ministry of elderly citizens to improve the quality and diversity of the services said they continue to work.

Expressing that elderly citizens no longer stay in crowded institutions, SELÇUK said, "We have an understanding of service so that our elderly can continue in their own environment as much as possible in their own environment and where they are used to it, but under conditions that will make their lives easier. As of August 2020, we offer boarding corporate care services to 13,790 elderly people in 155 nursing homes with a capacity of 15,795. All 4,553 elderly people benefit free of charge from nursing homes under our Ministry," she said.

 “ We evaluate nursing home project models in 3 different categories"

SELÇUK, care organizations in accordance with the needs of the elderly, she noted. Selçuk underlined that they aim to design the designs of each new organization in features that are accessible to the elderly and can also be customized according to the need. "Nursing home project models are in three different categories: 'Site Type', 'Courtyard Type' and 'Small House Type Project'. Site type project; it is a nursing home model designed to serve our elderly who need care and whose bodily functions are weakened. We planned the courtyard-type project for our elderly, who can do their daily work on their own and need more physical mobility. This model is specially designed for our elderly, who suffer from impairment of their cognitive function, such as dementia. The small home project is also a model that allows our more independent elderly to live their daily lives in their own habitat."

Minister SELÇUK, Uşak and Tokat courtyard type architecture designed with elderly care organizations, he said; Adana and Yalova also said that there are organizations designed with small house type architecture. SELÇUK stressed that they will spread 3 different architectural projects in the coming period.

 "We plan to put 53 more nursing homes into service by the end of 2023"

Emphasizing that nursing homes and nursing institutions will continue to serve the needs of the elderly in the most appropriate way, Minister Selçuk said, "As a ministry, we plan to put into service 53 more nursing homes with a total capacity of 5,425 by the end of 2023, taking into account the growing elderly population of our country."