01 October 2020, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: "We supported 62 thousand 400 elderly people within the scope of YADES"

Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Elderly Support Program (YaDES) within the scope of 62,400 elderly citizens reported that support was provided.

Noting that our elderly citizens primarily aim to continue their lives in health, peace and security in their environment and to live a happy life in an active, productive and respected way within the community, Minister SELÇUK said, "It is possible for our elderly to get their right ed in society and to settle public awareness in this regard, with the contributions of our volunteer organizations, citizens. October 1st is World Senior Day, an important opportunity to raise awareness. On this meaningful occasion, I would like to once again express our respect and respect for our crowned greats. Our biggest goal as the Ministry is to provide better living conditions for our elderly."

 30 Million Lira Support for YADES Projects

Stating that YADES is one of the important support mechanisms offered to citizens over the age of 65, Minister SELÇUK said, "As a ministry, we provide financial support to YADES projects covering applications in a wide range of areas such as the protection, support, home care and psycho social support of our elderly. Accordingly, we have transferred approximately 30 million liras of resources for YADES projects in 13 provinces."

 Covid-19 Measures UnderWay in Nursing Homes

Minister SELÇUK pointed out that many studies have been implemented, from the operation of nursing homes to projects centering on the elderly, on the other hand, as of August, more than 27,000 elderly people were cared for in private nursing homes under the supervision of the Ministry.

The first measures against the new type of koronavirus (Kovid-19) in official and private nursing homes and disability care organizations were introduced in January, when the epidemic began to be seen in the world, and from March 26, they began to implement full quarantine rules in organizations reminiscent of SELÇUK, masks, distance, hygiene, regular Kovid-19 tests and visit restrictions, such as many measures were implemented, she said.

Selçuk underlined that the number of cases in nursing homes is kept under control thanks to the measures taken, said: "Within the scope of normalization steps, we are now only allowing our elderly citizens to go to their relatives on leave, provided that kovid-19 tests are carried out on their return to the establishment and they stay in social isolation rooms for 14 days. We continue our measures against the Kovid-19 epidemic in official and private nursing homes with more than 27,000 citizens throughout Turkey. We implement measures such as masks, distance, hygiene and visit restrictions uncompromisingly. The elderly and their relatives in nursing homes are also very happy with these measures we have taken to protect their health. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our staff who worked hard for our greats."