28 October 2020, Wednesday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: "Last Year we have allocated 577 thousand TL allowance to protected workplaces for our disabled people"

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK announced that they have allocated TL 577,000 in 2019 for workplaces with the "Protected Workplace" model implemented to support the employment of mentally and mentally disabled citizens in the private sector.

Minister SELÇUK said they are collaborating with the private sector to place people with disabilities in work with a focus on their interests, abilities and skills, and to expand employment models that enable them to stay in long-term business life.

SELÇUK noted that they have allocated funds to protected workplaces whose working environment is specially organized, especially in order to create employment for individuals with mental or mental disabilities who are difficult to gain in the labor market.

Emphasizing that the monthly amount of TL 720 paid for each disabled person increased to TL 763 in 2020, SELÇUK said, "We have allocated TL 577,000 allowance to Protected Workplaces by our General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services in 2019."

 What are Protected Workplaces?

Protected Workplace; it is defined as a workplace that is supported by the state technically and financially and whose working environment is specially organized in order to create employment for individuals with mental or mental disabilities who are difficult to gain in the labor market. In protected workplaces; at least 40 percent of those with mental or mental disabilities can work. At least 8 disabled people with the specified characteristics in the protected workplace need to work.