16 November 2020, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: "During the Epidemic Period, we served 2,400 Disabled people and elderly people in our 89 Social Isolation Centers"

Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK said that they have served about 2,400 disabled and elderly people in 89 Social Isolation Centers created to ensure that disabled and elderly people receiving in-hospital instead treatment complete quarantine processes during their hospital stay and to prevent the spread of the virus in the care institution if they were exposed to the virus during their hospital stay.

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, disabled and elderly care institutions; preventive measures, monitoring-diagnosis-treatment-isolation cycle monitoring and maintenance capacity. SELÇUK said that they closely follow the epidemic process with practices such as training, hygiene, material supply, shift system and social isolation organizations in the institutions affiliated to the Ministry.

We Have Increased Existing Maintenance Capacity to Provide 2,130 Additional Beds

Minister SELÇUK stated that they provided 2,130 additional beds capacity by proactively increasing the existing care capacity in disabled and elderly care institutions in the first days of the epidemic process; he noted that they serve more than 28,000 disabled people in public and private unimpeded care centers and about 25,000 elderly citizens in nursing homes.

We served 2,400 Disabled and Elderly people in 89 Social Isolation Centers

SELÇUK stated that during the epidemic process, they authorized organizations with personnel and hardware conditions as "Social Isolation Organization", which completed the licensing process within the Ministry, official organizations, special disability care centers and private nursing homes.

Minister SELÇUK said, "We have created 89 Social Isolation Centers to ensure that our disabled and elderly people who are receiving in-hospital treatment complete their quarantine processes on their return to the hospital and to prevent the spread of the virus in the care institution if they were exposed to the virus during their stay in the hospital. We have served approximately 2,400 disabled and elderly people in these centers so far."

Income Criteria Requirement cancelled until April 17, 2021

Minister SELÇUK reported that the income criteria and severe disability requirement for the elderly and disabled who need institutional care due to the new type of corona virus outbreak has been temporarily cancelled until April 17, 2021. SELÇUK stated that this arrangement was made in order to prevent possible victimization in the pandemic process and that all expenses of disabled and elderly people who are provided with care services in social isolation organizations are met by the state regardless of income and disability rate.