12 June 2020, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: Day Life Centers will be opened from July 1st as part of the First Normalization Steps in Nursing Homes

First normalization steps will be taken from June 15th in official and private nursing homes and disabled care centers. Disabled and elderly people in official institutions who want to go with their family on leave will be allowed on condition that they are not less than 1 month from this date. From July 1st, daytime life centers will be opened.

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELCUK;  Official and private nursing homes and all disabled care organizations, new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) in case of the risk of the visitor ban from March to the "fixed shift" working system, regular fever and health follow-up, disinfection has been introduced. Emphasizing that the measures are meticulously implemented in the organizations, Minister SELÇUK said that they decided to start normalization steps in nursing homes and disabled care organizations, taking into account the gradual normalization steps announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the course of the sight of kovid-19 cases.

Minister Selçuk said that the instructions for normalization process were communicated to 81 provincial directorates in this context: "Our citizens who are found to need urgent care can be placed as of June 15, on the condition that all official, private and municipalities disabled and elderly care organizations, the isolation process is completed for at least 14 days in single-person social isolation rooms created in organizations and the Kovid-19 test is carried out. From this date, disabled and elderly people who receive services in official care facilities and want to go with their family on leave will be allowed on condition that they are not less than 1 month. The return of leave will surely be carried out kovid-19 tests and placed in the normal room after 14 days in isolation." Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt SELCUK; While receiving services in the organizations, the hospital treatment and discharged due to health problems and social isolation organization provided care for the disabled and elderly who completed the 14-day period after the kovid-19 tests will be re-accepted, he said.

 Steps to Normalize from July 1

SELÇUK, who has informed the organizations that new steps will be taken to normalize from July; Disabled and elderly people who are found to need emergency care and queued will start the arrangement sequentiary and transfer operations from July 1st, and citizens in this situation will be provided at least 14 days of maintenance in isolation rooms in the organizations, he stressed.

 Life Centers to Start Re-Service

Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services, shared the following information: "The implementation of home care support services offered by official and private care centers to our citizens with disabilities in their residences will also be restarted as of July 1st. The 14-day fixed shift system implemented in all public and private organizations will continue until July 1st. We are launching household visits and social review procedures for the demands of disabled and elderly people to be placed in care facilities from July 1st. As of this date, the official, private and municipalities' day-life centers, which have a detached building, will be disinfected and activities will be opened by planning activities to remain at least 2 square meters per person."

 "Mask, Distance, Hygiene Measures Will Not Be Compromised"

Receiving services in organizations, before pandemic and in the process of leaving their families with disabilities and elderly people who want to return to the organization, provided that they complete the isolation process, stating that their acceptance will be made from today, Minister SELÇUK, "In the process of normalization, measures such as disinfection, mask, social distance, personal hygiene will not be made in our disabled and elderly care organizations. The implementation of these measures will continue in the same way," he said. Minister SELÇUK stressed that the dates for opening the organizations to visitors will be determined later by taking into account the process.

Support For Disabled and Elderly People Will Begin"

Other steps to be taken by the ministry within the scope of normalization are as follows: "Starting today, disabled and elderly people will be able to take the most of the establishment gardens and the living areas on floors by taking the necessary hygiene measures. All disabled and elderly people will be allowed to participate in activities in the gardens in groups on a regular basis. All official and private organizations providing care services to the disabled and elderly will plan and implement psychosocial support studies for social life after pandemic from June 15. Controlled, regular, structured physical activities, culture and art work will be started from this date in order to evaluate leisure time."