28 November 2019, Thursday Bursa, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK Day Care Center and Nursing Home Opened in Bursa, Ministry Affiliated Organizations

Family, Labour and Social Services Minister SELÇUK first opened Celal Sönmez Günlü Care Rehabilitation and Family Counseling Center in Osmangazi district of Bursa and Hasan Öztimur Nursing Home Aged Care and Rehabilitation Center in Nilüfer district.

Selcuk, who gave a speech here, said that disabled people are in fact a mirror in all areas.

Minister SELÇUK, "Every service we offer for our disabled brothers, the peace of society and our country we consider it an important development for the future. Because we believe that we have responsibilities for them." SELCUK, disabled people to improve the living conditions of a great change process, he said. First of all, with the Law on The Disabled and sub-regulations issued in 2005, he reminded us that they have created the law on the disabled for the first time in Turkey.

Number of Disabled Officers Increased By 5,000 in 2002, Today It Has Increased by More Than 10 Times to 56 Thousand

Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, "With a revolutionary arrangement, we have constitutionally guaranteed positive discrimination against our disabled in 2010. Another issue we care about is accessibility. In this context, we want them to be able to easily access all kinds of services, especially education and health. From free travel to free training in special education and rehabilitation centres, we have provided many opportunities for disabled people.

We serve over 27,000 people with disability in 354 Care Centers

SELÇUK informed that day care services are offered in 67 centers in Turkey, "We care very much about day care centers. Because these centers are a source of morale for families, too. Hopefully, we hope that these 67 centers will be a bitof a break for families by spreading them with 81 at the end of theyear."

Minister SELÇUK presented a plaque of thanks to Celal SÖNMEZ, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sönmez Holding, which undertook the construction of day care rehabilitation and family counseling center. Minister SELÇUK cut the opening ribbon of the center, then examined the building, took care of the children, and participated in their game. Bursa Governor Yakup CANBOLAT, Parliament Human Rights Review Commission Chairman Hakan CAVUSOGLU, Metropolitan Mayor Alinur AKTAŞ and citizens attended the ceremony. Minister SELCUK met with the Women's Economy Platform. Minister SELÇUK was informed about the platform work at the meeting, while the services provided by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services were discussed.

"We host more than 26 thousandof our elders in nursing homes"

Family, Labour and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Hasan ÖZTİMUR Nursing Home Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center in the central Nilüfer district, said at the opening ceremony, every service that ensures the peace and well-being of citizens is very important. "We are hosting more than 26,000 of our elders to a total of 411 nursing homes," Minister SELCUK said.

Minister SELÇUK then visited Tofaş Turkish Automobile Factory Inc., toured the production section of the factory and chatted with the employees and took pictures. SELCUK, who is closely interested in hearing-impaired shrubs working in thefactory, chatted for a while with an interpreter. Minister SELCUK then visited the Yildirim Employment Center. Minister SELCUK, who examined the newly opened center, received information from the authorities. Minister SELÇUK, finally Martyr Uppereğmen Aykut KÖROĞLU'ın Yildirim district living in the family and home care assistance application visited the SONMEZ family.