07 February 2020, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister SELÇUK: Action Has been taken for "Accessible Turkey"

President ERDOGAN, 9 January held at the ceremony of placing disabled citizens and young people who benefited from state protection in public institutions, determining accessibility standards and the importance of conducting the work of all institutions accordingly, 2020 announced as the "Year of Accessibility". Family, Labor and Social Services Minister SELÇUK, President Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN declared 2020 the "Year of Accessibility" said that a wide-ranging campaign will be launched across the country.

"With the work we will do in 2020, we aim to make every aspect of life accessible to our disabled people, especially our public institutions. Our goal is accessible Turkey," he said. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services has begun work on activities that will raise awareness within the scope of the "Year of Accessibility". Minister Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, said in a statement, "As a ministry, a wide-ranging campaign is aimed at launching. By informing educational institutions and public institutions, they will be provided with quick guidance on this issue. Guide booklets will be prepared and distributed."

Selcuk explained that the Accessibility Awards, which were given the first on 3 December 2019, will be repeated every year on World Disability Day, and shared the following information about the work to be done: "Cities will be made smart and age-friendly, setting the necessary criteria for making sure that the elderly benefit from urban living spaces safely and unassisted, and that these criteria will be included in the accessibility inspection process. At the same time, in cooperation with municipalities, a model will be developed for the accessibility arrangements needed in the homes of people who have become disabled afterwards. In addition, the work carried out periodically by institutions will be monitored."

"Year of Accessibility" Circular from Minister SELCUK

On the other hand, the circular was published with the signature of Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services, to raise awareness of the "Year of Accessibility" and to ensure that disabled and elderly citizens can have free access to all areas of life across the country. In the circular, accessibility, the disabled and the elderly, especially everyone can participate equally and effectively in social life, stating that the prerequisite, "Those with mobility limitations can leave their homes; schools, pedestrian crossings, parks, buildings and public transport; in order to access information and communication technologies and services, all of these must be planned, designed and regulated as accessible," the statement said.

Call for "Year of Accessibility" to All Institutions and Organizations

Minister SELÇUK, the circular to carry out accessibility arrangements in all areas from open spaces to buildings throughout Turkey, and to ensure the follow-up of the work and operations carried out within the scope of the legislation. In the circular, she called for all institutions and organizations to make announcements about the "Year of Accessibility"