27 June 2024, Thursday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş spoke at the "Ministry of Family and Social Services Scientific Board Commissions Meeting"

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş stated that the main expectation from the Scientific Commission within the Ministry was to bring new suggestions on strengthening the family structure, increasing women's welfare and preventing violence against women, and said, "The Ministry also asks for your special support in the efforts to improve the services children, persons with disabilities and older persons."

In her speech at the "Ministry of Family and Social Services Scientific Board Commissions Meeting" held at Ankara University of Music and Fine Arts, Minister Göktaş said that the Ministry had always built its policies on a scientific basis.

Stating that science was the source of the steps taken to protect and strengthen the family structure, which was the foundation stone of the country, Göktaş said that the Ministry carried out activities that prioritized the well-being of children through practices based on scientific methods.

Pointing out that scientific research was their main source to further improve services for persons with disabilities and older persons, Göktaş said: " Scientific studies are one of the most important guides in the social policies implemented by the Ministry. Science offers us the chance to address the needs of society in the most accurate way. With the work carried out for this purpose, both the effectiveness of the services is increasing and creating a solid foundation for the upcoming policies."

Göktaş reminded that the Ministry formed the Science Board in November 2023 to carry out the studies at a more planned and institutional level.

Stating that the knowledge of academics would play a key role in producing robust and innovative solutions, Göktaş emphasized that she believed that the new applications would serve the vision of the Century of Türkiye put forward by the President of the Republic of Türkiye, H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

"The Ministry has created commissions to carry out studies for 4 main service areas"

Göktaş said that the Science Council had supported many activities since last year, from the preparation of strategy documents containing policies to the Children's Summit, from the Family Council to research projects carried out with TÜBİTAK.

Stating that the Ministry had formed commissions to carry out studies on 4 main service areas within the Scientific Board, Göktaş pointed out that she believed that the commissions on family and society, children, women's empowerment, persons with disabilities and older persons would carry out important studies in their respective fields of specialization.

Minister Göktaş continued as follows:

"Combating digital violence against women, assessment of risks to children and the measures to be taken, evaluation of factors and recommendations regarding the declining fertility rate in Türkiye, addressing the risks posed by the digital age to families, social service practices for persons with disabilities, new policy and model proposals are just a few of these topics to be carried out by these commissions. The main expectation from the Scientific Committee is to develop existing projects and studies in these fields of work. Considering the different needs and characteristics of our 81 provinces, it is expected that they produce new projects. It brings new proposals on strengthening the family structure, increasing women's welfare and preventing violence against women. Furthermore, I would like to ask for your special support in the efforts to improve services for children, persons with disabilities and older persons. Finally, I would like to emphasize that it is particularly crucial to prepare a report that will be an up-to-date and reliable source."

"Meetings will last for two days with the participation of competent scientists in their fields"

Göktaş stated that the commissions included academics conducting research in different fields such as social work, psychology, communication, child development, education, law, public administration and the relevant general directorates.

Explaining that the Ministry would hold two days of meetings with the participation of highly competent scientists in their fields, Göktaş said that they would evaluate the social policies carried out by the Ministry from a scientific perspective and take practical steps by examining the social reflections of their activities.

Prof. Dr. Erhan Özden, Rector of Ankara University of Music and Fine Arts, stated that the university, under the guidance of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, carries out a number of activities for children, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities and women by using the healing power of art.

Deputy Ministers of Family and Social Services Zafer Tarıkdaroğlu, Sevim Sayım Madak, Leman Yenigün and many academics attended the meeting.