27 April 2023, Thursday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister Derya Yanık: "We will share the Ageing Vision Document and National Action Plan on the Rights of Older Persons with the public on April 29"

Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık announced: "On April 29, we will share with the public the " Ageing Vision Document and National Action Plan on the Rights of Older Persons", which we reached the final stages in its preparations, presenting our national perspective as a high-level policy document in ageing and including the activities determined to achieve the goals."

Minister Derya Yanık stated that important steps were taken towards becoming an inclusive society without leaving no one behind, including older persons, as a requirement of sustainable development. She noted that the priority approach in ageing was to ensure that persons go through the ageing process within the framework of the principle of active and healthy ageing without leaving no one behind on the path of sustainable development. Yanık continued: "As the Ministry, we aim for older persons to spend the ageing process together with their families and relatives, in the environment they live in, within the framework of active and healthy ageing. Accordingly, we carry out the necessary activities to determine policies and services and develop and diversify social services with a rights-based perspective, considering the different needs of various older profiles."

Reminding that by the end of 2022, 9.8 percent of the world's population would be 65 years of age or older, Minister Yanık stated, "In Türkiye, we have approximately 8.5 million citizens aged 65 and over. This number corresponds to 9.9 percent of the country's population. As the Ministry, we continue the efforts to mainstream ageing with the increase in the older population in the demographic transformation process of Türkiye and to improve the quality of life of older persons by enabling them to use their rights effectively in all areas from care to health, from employment to accessible environment."

It reveals the national perspective as a policy document on issues related to ageing

Minister Yanık stated that Türkiye was one of the eight countries represented in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing for the first time in 2022. "The UN Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing is working to promote the effective implementation by countries of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), which sets the international framework for policies in ageing around the world. We will hold this year's meeting with the group on April 27-28, 2023 along with the participation of senior representatives of 8 countries in the field of ageing, representatives of civil society organizations, and academicians. On April 29, we will share with the public the “Ageing Vision Document and National Action Plan on the Rights of Older Persons", which we have reached the final stages in its preparations. The plan will be presenting the national perspective as a high-level policy document in ageing and including the activities determined to achieve the goals, to which all relevant stakeholders contributed."


Consists of six policy areas

Minister Yanık stated that the Ageing Vision Document, which sets out the national vision and roadmap in the field of ageing, consists of 16 targets and 51 action areas in 6 policy areas. These are namely "Active and Healthy Ageing", "Participation in Social Life", "Age-Friendly and Accessible Environments for All", "Disasters and Humanitarian Emergencies", " Rights of Older Persons", and " Implementation and Monitoring". The Minister noted the following, "With the National Action Plan on the Rights of Older Persons, which includes 183 activities to be carried out between 2023 and 2025 in line with the Ageing Vision Document, we aim to ensure the active participation of older persons in the active ageing process in every period of their lives, to strengthen the rights of older persons, to develop new service and support models for older persons with a rights-based and inclusive approach, and to strengthen intergenerational solidarity. Therefore, we are aiming to build a society for all ages where older persons can realize their rights, receive services in accordance with their needs and demands, and pass on their life experiences to future generations...