12 May 2023, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Minister Derya Yanık: "We have started to deposit a total of 2.449.000 TL of Home Care Allowance into accounts"

Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık announced that the Ministry had started to deposit a total of 2.449.000 TL Home Care Allowance this month in order to provide financial support to citizens with severe disabilities and their families in need of care.

Minister Derya Yanık stated that the Ministry supported persons with disabilities who stayed with their families through service models such as day care services and home care allowance, and reminded that with the Home Care Allowance, which was initiated in 2006 with the idea that persons with disabilities would be supported primarily by their families, citizens who had relatives with severe disabilities in need of care and who could not work because they were taking care of them were supported.

“569.000 of the citizens benefit from these allowances”

Minister Yanık stated that the Home Care Allowance for the January-July period of 2023 was increased from 3.336 TL to 4.336 TL and added: "This month, we have started to deposit a total of 2.449.000.000 TL of Home Care Allowance to the accounts of citizens with disabilities and their families in need of care. This month, 568.000 citizens are benefiting from Home Care Allowance. I hope that the payments will be beneficial to all citizens with disabilities.


“The goal is to build a Türkiye where all citizens can live together in harmony”

Emphasizing that as the Ministry, they develop policies with a rights-based perspective in order for persons with disabilities to fully access their fundamental rights such as education, health, security, and employment, Minister Yanık noted:
 "Let us express once again during Disability Week that we, as a ministry, will continue to work with all our efforts to solve the problems faced by the citizens with disabilities. The aim is to build a Türkiye where all our citizens can live together in harmony in an environment of mutual respect and love by first removing the barriers in the hearts of the citizens. In this framework, we will act with the vision of a society that leaves no one behind with the vision of the Century of Türkiye in the field of disability, and we will ensure the active and independent participation of persons with disabilities in all areas of social life in their own social environment without discrimination."