03 September 2020, Thursday Ankara, TURKEY

Kovit -19 Measures in Nursing Homes Extended Until Further Notice

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services extended the duration of measures against new types of coronavirus (Kovid-19) in official and private nursing homes and disability care organizations until further notice.

Taking into account the increase in number of cases throughout Turkey, the ministry decided to effectively maintain measures in the process of fighting Kovid-19 in disabled and aged care organizations.

In this context, the General Directorate of Disability and Elderly Services sent a circular to the provincial directorates regarding the continuation of some measures taken before with the methods to be monitored for the intervention of health problems that may arise due to Kovid-19.

According to the circular, which is asked to implement the measures with precision, the application will be taken and taken in accordance with the guidance, suggestions and opinions of the medical team by contacting the nearest health care unit, organization or the health board for people who have health problems or illnesses in official and private nursing homes and disabled care facilities.

Disabled and elderly people with kovid-19 detected or symptoms will be transported to the hospital. By the health care provider's "discharge" decision, the health care team tasked with the isolation proposals and the disabled and elderly who need to follow up in the organization, in accordance with social isolation and restriction measures, care and follow-up will be done in a separate independent organization or in the additional unit of the organization. In the absence of additional units, people in this situation will be followed in the social isolation block, social isolation floor or social isolation room designated in the organization.

 Kovid-19 Test will be held for elderly and disabled people returning from the leave of the day

On the other hand, the Ministry decided to continue some applications in the organizations within the scope of normalization steps by taking the necessary measures. In this context, citizens staying in disabled and elderly care facilities will be allowed to go to their relatives for at least 7 days. Every person who returns from his leave will be taken to the Kovid-19 test before entering the organization, as before. In addition, the disabled and elderly will remain in the social isolation chamber or social isolation room in the organization for 7 days on leave returns.

Ministry will also continue to implement fixed shifts for at least 7 days of personnel working in the organizations until a second announcement.