13 February 2020, Thursday İstanbul, TURKEY

Istanbul Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center Trainees Experienced Emotional Moments at Graduation Ceremony

On Wednesday, February 12, 2010, the Provincial Directorate of Family, Labor and Social Services was held at the Istanbul Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Center. Term Basic Education, 28. Term Massage Training and 3. Graduation ceremony was held by the trainees of the Term Call Center Operator.

Faik YILDIRIM, Deputy General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, said in his graduation ceremony. "In the Rehabilitation Centers for the Visually Impaired in Istanbul and Ankara, individuals who have lost their natural or visually impaired, who are deprived of their visual skills, are given training by experienced educators to teach independent living and mobility techniques without the need for someone else's help or to provide vocational training in line with their abilities, to help them to have a profession or job, to make them a producer from a consumer situation, to facilitate their compliance with life, to help them solve the psychological and social problems caused by disability. With the trainings given in these centers, we prepare disabled individuals from all over Turkey to life."

Education and Rehabilitation Service in Rehabilitation Centers for the Visually Impaired Is Carried Out in Two Modules as Basic Training and Vocational Training

YILDIRIM; the education and rehabilitation service given is carried out in the form of two modules as Basic Education and Vocational Education, and it is possible to implement and implement policies in employment, accessibility and social rehabilitation areas only for disabled people to participate in social life in a fully and effective manner with a rights-based understanding without discrimination.

Faik YILDIRIM, Deputy General Director of Disability and Elderly Services, also conducted inspections at Pendik Unhindered Life Care Rehabilitation and Family Counseling Center and Istanbul Care Rehabilitation and Family Counseling Center.