12 September 2022, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Internet Safety Training for Older Persons by the Ministry

Within the scope of the Digital and Financial Literacy Trainings for Older Persons, initiated by the Ministry of Family and Social Services within the framework of active and healthy ageing vision and policy targets, 1.514 older persons were trained on internet safety, fraud on the internet and telephone, and things to be considered during internet shopping.

Today, where digitalization is becoming more and more widespread in daily life, it is more important than ever for older persons to recognize, learn and use the technological approaches they will need. The General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, has accelerated its Digital and Financial Literacy training activities for older persons, together with the provision of all kinds of needs through online means with the current and technological developments experienced in this context.

First of all, the Ministry conducted a survey to measure the use of mobile phones and computers, as well as digital and financial literacy competencies in general, in order to increase the financial and digital literacy of older persons.

Considering the regional representation, as a result of the study conducted in February 2021 with a total of 3,645 older persons in Ankara, Istanbul, İzmir, Antalya, Malatya, Samsun and Gaziantep, it was determined that the proportion of older persons who have a mobile phone and know how to use it is high in all provinces. Computer skills were found to be low in all provinces.

While Antalya was the province with the highest rate of positive response in the mobile phone and general digital financial category, İzmir was the province with a positive response in computer use and Gaziantep was the province with the highest rate of negative answers.

As a result of the survey, the rate of awareness of transactions such as shopping, banking, bill payment from mobile phone and computer and information on obtaining e-government password, HES code, e-pulse, hospital appointment systems in the general digital and financial information category are low in all provinces. It was determined that the knowledge of property and debts, being able to withdraw their own salary, and the knowledge of the social security system to which they are connected are high in all provinces.

Afterwards, the training needs analysis was carried out according to the answers received in the questionnaire, and the content of the training programs for the digital and financial literacy competencies of older persons was prepared.

The trainings started in November 2021 in 5 nursing homes in Istanbul, which was first selected as a pilot province. Digital and Financial Literacy Training was given to a total of 1,514 older persons in nursing homes and various centres in 34 provinces, within the scope of the trainings accelerated in April 2022 with the programs developed later.

In the trainings, older persons were informed about the sub-headings of the digital and financial literacy framework, such as the evaluation of savings, internet safety, fraud on the internet and phone, things to consider during internet shopping, using credit cards and loans. It is planned that the trainings, in which the residents of the establishment participate voluntarily, will be extended and continued throughout the year.