05 June 2020, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

Integration of Health and Social Services at Home and Co-operation of The Service were discussed

On Tuesday, 02.06.2020, Under the chairmanship of Exp. Md. Orhan KOÇ, a meeting was held in the meeting room of our General Directorate with the participation of Proffesor Hilmi ATASEVEN, Deputy General Manager of the Ministry of Health, General Manager of Public Hospitals and officials of our General Directorate.

At the meeting, views were exchanged for the integration of health and social services at home and the co-operation of the service.

Professor Hilmi ATASEVEN, General Manager of Public Hospitals of the Ministry of Health, mentioned the success of the vefa social support teams, which were initiated simultaneously by 81 Provincial Governorships in coordination with the Ministry of Interior during the Covid-19 Pandemic process, and stated the necessity of starting a similar study for disabled and elderly citizens with health problems. In order to integrate health and social services at home and to carry out the service in coordination, the parties agreed on the construction of model studies.