01 October 2021, Friday Ankara, TURKEY

“Innovative Health Initiative” Meeting Coordinated by European Parliament was Held

To the “Innovative Health Initiative” meeting coordinated by European Parliement online, where different approaches for Alzheimer and Dementia were discussed, Directorate General of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly attended.

European Parliament hosts the stakeholders from public sector (national ministries of health), academy, pharmaceutical companies, nongovernmental organizations (members of national Alzheimer associations) and discusses the prospective plans for Alzheimer and Dementia via presentations of stakeholders within the context of “Workshop on the Alzheimer’s spectrum: Changing our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia” in collaboration with Alzheimer Europe.

Innovative Medicines Initiatives in the Field of Alzheimer was Discussed.

The first topic of Alzheimer Europe Parliament Workshop on Innovative Health Initiative, which was held online on 28 September 2021, was “Benefits of Success of Innovative Medicines Initiatives”.

The purpose of “Innovative Health Initiative”, depicted as partner of European Union in the health field, is defined as assisting to create an innovative health research ecosystem, which eases the transformation of scientific information to perceptible innovations. Innovative Health Initiative, which takes action with the necessity of these innovations to be safe, effective, human oriented, cost-effective, and comprising prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and illness management, contributes to a range of European policies such as “Europe's Beating Cancer Plan”, “The New Industrial Strategy for Europe”, and “Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe”. Innovative Health Initiative, within this scope, made a presentation in the week of first October discussing Alzheimer, relevant medical advances, and strategies. During the presentation, where ageing is mentioned as a global “mega-trend”, topics such as the fact that Alzheimer is the most common type of Dementia, the necessity of developing more specific policies for Alzheimer, lack of national action plans for Alzheimer and Dementia in most of the countries were discussed.

Alzheimer Innovation Readiness Index was Introduced.

 Pre-demonstration of Alzheimer Innovation Readiness Index, which was developed differently from the other innovation indexes prepared under a general heading for dementia before, was given. It is expected from the index to be assisting on determination of prudential progress in the field of Alzheimer in evaluated countries, to have a precipitating effect for changing of distinct and urgent cases regarding Dementia, to be a source in which best of the application examples in the field of Alzheimer and Dementia for countries and regions take place, and to be a pioneer in this field.